french apartments

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Nini: I love french apartments, they're so pretty
Ricky: how many French apartments have you been in? *laughs*
Nini: Mine and the boys *laughs a little*
Ricky: oh my god seb and los's apartment is insane.
Nini: It's so stunning
Ricky: well come on in
Nini: *I walk in and sit down* What are you gonna cook for me?
Ricky: any suggestions?
Nini: Make me your favorite dish
Ricky: I don't have a favorite *laughs* ummmm do you like potato's?
Nini: It's my favorite thing to cook with *laughs a little*
Ricky: then want to help me make Potato Dauphinois?
Nini: Sure!
Ricky: it's basically a potato casserole and it won't take too long
Nini: Sounds good
Ricky: *we take a half hour putting it together and I give Nini a bunch of tips for working with potato's along the way and we get it in the oven* and now we wait
Nini: *I walk over and put my arms around your neck* Our first meal
Ricky: *I give you a quick kiss* and it turned out perfect
Nini: *smiles* You're so cute
Ricky: *I smile and blush*
Nini: Looks like we both have a slight blushing problem *laughs a little*
Ricky: but it's okay
Nini: I love it
Ricky: me too
Nini: *I move my arms around your waist and put my head on your chest* I've had a nice day
Ricky: so have I
Nini: *I pull away and give you a kiss* Come on, I wanna show you something! *I walk over to my purse*
Ricky: *I follow you* what is it?
Nini: *I pull out a piece of picture* I was bored during class today and drew a little sketch of you and I
Ricky: *I take it and look at it* Nini, this is incredible
Nini: Thanks *laughs a little* I thought it looked cute
Ricky: so you write songs AND can draw?!
Nini: I guess I can *laughs*
Ricky: not fair *laughs*
Nini: But you own a restaurant
Ricky: I mean I didn't do it, it was handed down
Nini: Stillll, that's still pretty freaking cool
Ricky: it is *laughs a little* can I keep this?
Nini: Mhm, I made it for you silly goose
Ricky: silly goose? *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, silly goose
Ricky: I don't understand *laughs a little*
Nini: Sometimes I forget that you're french *laughs* It's like a common phrase over in america. It's calling someone silly basically, it's stupid, I know *laughs*
Ricky: no it's okay I just didn't know *laughs*
Nini: Another little american thing
Ricky: I really like you miss American
Nini: Well I really like you too Mister French boy
Ricky: kissy?
Nini: Mmm for sure *I give you a quick kiss*
Ricky: *smiles* thank you
Nini: No problem my darling
Ricky: *40 mins go by and the oven dings* ooo it's done
Nini: Do you want me to take it out?
Ricky: I got it *I grab my oven mittens (the one with a hole in it oops) and grab the potato's out and burn my hand* MERDE! Putain de merde, ça fait mal! *I put it down and pull my hand back* Maudit soit-il! (FUCK! Holy shit that hurts! Damnit! )
Nini: Okay okay, calm down *I turn on some cold water and put your hand under* I never thought I'd live the day to hear you swear THAT much *laughs a little*
Ricky: *laughs embarrassed*
Nini: Dont be embarrassed honey *laugh*
Ricky: oh god that stings
Nini: I'm sorry, it sucks to get burned
Ricky: I don't know why I haven't thrown those out yet
Nini: *laughs* Well you keep it under water while I prepare an ice pack for you *I kiss your cheek and walk to the freezer*
Ricky: on the 3rd shelf
Nini: *I find one and grab one and wrap it in a towel* Here you go
Ricky: *I look up at you and stare into your eyes*
Nini: What?
Ricky: mmm?
Nini: You're like staring at me *laughs a little* Did I do something wrong?
Ricky: Oh *I shake my head and look down* sorry
Nini: No it's okay, I don't have an issue with it
Ricky: i just zoned out for a second
Nini: Okay *I smile and put the ice pack on your hand* How about you go sit down on the couch and I'll prepare you a plate
Ricky: I'm supposed to be serving you-
Nini: Go sit down French Boy
Ricky: okay *I sit down*
Nini: *I make us both a plate and pour two glasses of wine and walk over* Here you go
Ricky: merci, i hope you like it
Nini: I think it'll be delicious
Ricky: *i try it* its perfect
Nini: *I take a bite* Oh my god this is so good
Ricky: right?!
Nini: I'm in love, you don't understand
Ricky: thanks to you
Nini: And you!
Ricky: just take the compliment *laughs*
Nini: But it was your recipe
Ricky: this one actually was mine. one of the view thats not my dads or grandfathers
Nini: Well it's phenomenal
Ricky: why thank you
Nini: No problem
Ricky: *I take another bite* can I ask you something you don't have to answer
Nini: Go for it
Ricky: what was your last boyfriend like
Nini: A jerk. It was my junior year and this dude in my food science class asked me out and I was over the moon. We dated for about three months before we finally slept together. The next day, he wasn't in my bed with me but I had a bunch of texts from him and I was really confused. It was pictures of messages between him and his friends placing a bet on girls in the class that they could sleep with and I was the one he chose. I mean, he got 100 bucks for it so guess that's how much I'm worth *laughs nervously*
Ricky: oh my god that's terrible
Nini: Yep, it sucked
Ricky: kids can be psycho
Nini: It was 21 year olds! Not even children!
Ricky: it's sick
Nini: Yeah, it really is
Ricky: and for the record, you're worth much more than just 100 dollars
Nini: Thanks Ricky, I really appreciate it
Ricky: I'm sorry I asked the question to begin with
Nini: No it's okay, I like talking to you
Ricky: you're turn. Ask me anything
Nini: What's your biggest fear?
Ricky: waking up one day and everything's gone. I know it's impractical and probably won't happen but think about it. If I woke up and no one knew my name and I didn't have the restaurant or Gina or my family or you.... I'd loose it
Nini: Thats a really scary thing to think about, sorry I asked *laughs a little*
Ricky: it's okay *laughs a little*
Nini: What's Gina like?
Ricky: she's the funniest human being I've ever met and has always been there for me no matter what.
Nini: Thats like me with Ashlyn. She's my rock and my soulmate and I might be going insane if it wasn't for her *laughs*
Ricky: best friends are what keeps us sane
Nini: Honestly
Ricky: she's the one who told me to ask you if today could be a date
Nini: Ash?
Ricky: no, Gina
Nini: Ohhhh, Gina's pretty cool
Ricky: the absolute Best
Nini: *laughs* Do you want another glass?
Ricky: yea please
Nini: *I get up and pour you some more*
Ricky: seb gave that bottle to me
Nini: Well I will say that it is very fancy wine *laughs a little*
Ricky: seb knows what he's doing when it comes to wine
Nini: He gave Ashlyn this one wine and we drank it all in a night because it was sooooo good
Ricky: it's why we keep him around *laughs* I'm kidding
Nini: *laughs* Do you want the rest of mine?
Ricky: no I'm alright
Nini: Then I'll just leave it for right now because I'm so lightweight that I would get drunk before a five yearold *laughs* And drunk Nini... she's a character that I don't think you want to meet just yet
Ricky: well now I'm intrigued. Tell me about this drunk Nini character
Nini: She's very very very affectionate and touchy. She tends to get very emotional and and cries out of love and happiness. One time, I went up to this poor dude and started crying because I spilled my drink on the floor and I sat there for ten minutes crying to some rando at a bar *laughs* But that's just the main one, there is a few others that come out as well
Ricky: likeeee
Nini: There's this one that I like to call Mia, she's like ten times more confident then me and gets really sexual towards everyone, like EVERYONE. There's Samantha and she's just bubbly and very smiley and enjoys really sweet and sour margaritas. Then we have Margret, who only comes out when I have Whiskey and she's just kinda grumpy and scary, at least that's what I've been told *laughs* And then when I am black out wasted, I become Nina and pretend to be a sophisticated business women and it's really funny. And there are all my really stupid drunk personalities
Ricky: that's hilarious and I can't wait to meet them *laughs*
Nini: I just hope you never have to meet Mia, God that would be so embarrassing *laughs*
Ricky: no need to be embarrassed *laughs*
Nini: There is very much a need to be embarrassed, trust me
Ricky: I haven't named my drunk personalities *laughs a little* but I've got one similar to Mia
Nini: I need to hear about all of them *laughs*
Ricky: well there's the Mia one who's basically the reason I've lost my virginity *laughs a little* then I can also be really depressing and just only talk sad and negative things... he sucks and is why I wouldn't be invited to all the parties *laughs* but on the flip side I can also be really.... I don't know the right way to say this but gay *laughs* and happy and love on absolutely everyone. Just like really affectionate and I talk in a higher pitched voice
Nini: Oh my gosh *laughs* Hopefully Mia and... what is his name?
Ricky: uhhh I don't know give him a Name
Nini: Mia and... Eric don't run into each other *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* so Eric... um the depressing guy can be.... Gavin and the gay one... Taylor
Nini: Perfect, Now let's not get drunk
Ricky: right *I put my glass down and scoot closer to you* I love this dress
Nini: Thanks, Ash got it for me
Ricky: she's into fashion right?
Nini: Yes, very very into fashion
Ricky: you not so much?
Nini: No.... Carlos and Seb have to make me change on multiple occasions before we go out together *laughs*
Ricky: I'm not a huge fashion person either *laughs*
Nini: I'm very much into my sweatpants, with a baggy shirt and my apron. I'm always in the kitchen and just can't be getting all fancy
Ricky: baggy anything is the comfy go to
Nini: Finally! Someone gets me!
Ricky: exactly!
Nini: You're perfect, Bowen
Ricky: no I'm not
Nini: Well you're perfect for me
Ricky: *I tuck your hair behind your ear* you wanna know something I'm pretty good at
Nini: What?
Ricky: *I put my hand on your cheek and lean super close to your face* can I show you?
Nini: *nods* Please do
Ricky: *I start kissing you*
Nini: *I kiss back and put my arms around you*
Ricky: *I help you up onto my lap*
Nini: *smiles* *I'm so whipped for this boy*
Ricky: *guess she's better than I am at this*
Nini: *I pull away* Fichu (damn)
Ricky: *laughs a little* you really know what you're doing
Nini: Thank Mia *laughs*
Ricky: and Eric
Nini: *I take another sip of my wine* It's so good- but take it away! I can't get drunk *laughs*
Ricky: *I take another sip of mine* want me to get something stronger
Nini: No, but yes. But No and yes
Ricky: *I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whisky* now this is the good stuff or as the French would say ooo la la *laughs*
Nini: Mmmm I can't have Whisky, other wise I turn into a grumpy grandma *laughs*
Ricky: but have you ever had Buckwheat whisky?
Nini: Can't say I have
Ricky: then you're in for a real treat
Nini: Poor me up a glass darling
Ricky: *I pour you and I a glass*
Nini: Cheers! *I take a sip*
Ricky: *I take a sip too* ooo yeah that's good
Nini: Hopefully I stay sober *laughs*
Ricky: it takes a lot for me to loose control so if you don't, I'll take care of you *laughs a little* Don't stay sober
Nini: Okay *laughs*
Ricky: but just in case I'll put this away *laughs*

how much do you wanna bet we'll see a different nini tonight? i actually was a Jennifer Lawrence interview where she talked about her drunk alter ego, Gail, and it was so funny. i'm in love with that woman i swear. n e ways! i hope you enjoyed the little chapter and i'll see you all next time, mwah!

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