A thousand years, a thousand miles. Across the world just to see you smile

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Loki was taken by HYDRA after his attack on New York.

Loki was thrown into a cell and was left there sobbing for his brother.

The guards would come in every once in a while to beat him to silence him.

The next day guards went to Loki's cell and dragged him to a torture room.

Loki tried getting away but it was no use.

When they got there they strapped him to a chair.

"Please. I want Thor. I want my brother." Loki cried.

"You're brother abandoned you. He doesn't care about you." The guard yelled.

"NO! He does care about me!" Loki yelled.

Then they did something he never thought they would.

They stuck a needle full of black liquid in his arm.

"This will give you a terrible fever with no cure." The guard snapped. "Let the torture begin."

They not only stabbed and cut him, they burned him, they whipped him and they violated him.

This happened for so long. Loki couldn't keep track.

One day it all ended.

He sat in his cell sweating, breathing heavily.

Then someone walked in.

Loki cowered till he heard the familiar voice of his older brother.

Loki struggled to stand but managed to stand and Thor ran to him hugging Loki tightly lifting Loki off the ground.

Loki had tears streaming down his face and he hugged Loki back tightly.

"I'm here. I'm here Loki." Thor soothed.

Loki continued crying into Thor's shoulder.

Thor took Loki out of the cell and to the jet.

"Banner. Grab an oxygen mask." Tony said going over to Loki and Thor gently placing his hand on Loki's arm. "Loki isn't doing good."

Loki let out a pained scream collapsing into Thor. Thor layed Loki in his arms and Banner returned with the oxygen mask.

Tony placed it on Loki who protested and started panicking.

"This will help you Loki." Tony said trying to force it on Loki.

"Stark. Let me try." Thor said and Tony handed the oxygen mask to Thor.

"Loki. I need you to remember this from our childhood." Thor said. "Can you do that for me?"

Loki nodded and Thor started humming a soft tune.

"Distance won't destroy us
Our hearts will only grow fonder
The absence of each other
Will only keep our love stronger." Thor started and Loki kept panicking.

"We share the moon, we share the stars
We taste the tears, we bare the scars
A thousand years, I'd run to you
There's not a thing I wouldn't do
I know this pain won't last
We can leave it all in the past
I would give my life for you
Just for another chance"

Loki was calming down and Thor was able to get the oxygen mask on.

"A thousand years, a thousand miles
Across the world just to see you smile
You've been away for way too long
I need your love just to keep me strong

Everyday when I'm with you I lose my mind
But I will wait forever, brother
True love is hard to find

A thousand years, erase the time
I'll wait forever just to make you mine

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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