☆Luca Balsa☆

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○He has ASD [Autism spectrum disorder]!!! One of his special interests is (obviously) inventive science!! He also loves rodents; mice, rats, ferrets (are they even rodents?? well they are now) etc he loves them so much!! Often adopts rodents he finds in the manor as his pets.

°Raptor hands so much. Whether he's just walking around or trying to decide on what to eat he looks like a raptor and everyone adores it. Whenever he sees one of his rats standing up and having their hands lile raptors he goes ballistic, just saying.

°He tics on occasion!! He tends to pick up tics from things in his surroundings whether it be physical, audible, etc.

°This is just me writing my own characteristics into Luca let me be original for a minute

°He's a cuddlebug. Like so much. He's been through so much, and whenever he's held softly in someone's arms he feels so genuinely safe; he tends to fall asleep, too. Head pets make his brain go brr brr...

°Frequent nightmares/nightterrors. He needs Victor/Andrew/Edgar/Tracy to hold him before he can even stop his cries. He can't be along during them or it'll only get worse. The four aforementioned take turns checking up on him every night, since his nightmares usually occur around the same time.

°Physically affectionate w/ any partner(s) he may have. Cuddles, hugs, kisses, petting, you name it, he does it.

°Non-binary as fuck!!! He/they pronouns what an angel.

°He has trichotillomania/detrotillomania. These are disorders in which cause you to pull out hair or tear as your skin respectively. He doesn't have it as severe as others, but he tends to scrape at his scars until they bleed, and as for his hair, he tends to [but not exclusively] pull it out when he's hyperfocused or stressed.

°He has ADP (auditory processing disorder) so please speak clearly with him!! If you mumble or mash sentences together, he has a hard time understanding you. If You're uncomfortable with changing your voice (getting louder or whatever) he's totally ok with letting you write your thoughts down!! He's totally used to it because of Victor and Andrew!!

°Music really gets him going. He absolutely loves it. Whether it be classic or rock, he's bangin.

°He very much enjoys stim toys. Tangles are his favorite!! I mean like cmon those things are so fun.

°Can play the harp/lyre. No I do not take constructive criticism /hj.

°speaking of /hj, he really appreciates it if you use tone tags with him. He isn't the best with understanding tone in messages.

°He loves to sing/hum! He gets too nervous to around others but if he's alone, you can hear him gently harmonizing with a song he's listening to.

°Absolute goofball. Take that as you may, he's a goofball and a good boy.

°Loves warm weather, and the summer in general. The summer gives him a sense of freedom, and that's something that he values a lot!!

°He also... is very adamant on making sure everyone knows he loves them, and that he's there for them. He loves giving gifts!!!


Aaa I hope these are good!! Hes a good boyo!!! And one of my favorite characters... ever if you couldn't tell ;w;

Art Credit: MGJSJIU on Twitter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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