Hello, HelloFresh

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Regret gulped, perspiration running down his forehead as he struggled with what he knew was going to happen next. YouTube brandished the paddle, a wicked grin spreading on his face as he drew closer and closer, like a predator on the prowl.



He was saved (Or so he thought) as the door suddenly swung open with such ferocity it fell off its hinges. In the doorway stood a young woman in white, her hair an ordinary brown unlike YouTube's, but her eyes were a different story. Yes, they were green, but unnaturally so. They were an unnervingly bright lime, a color he immediately recognized. Regret shivered in both anticipation and lust, realizing who this had to be.

It was HelloFresh, a sponsor who had rejected him just a few days ago. If she was anything like YouTube, perhaps he would get a second chance...

HelloFresh's expression was murderous as she stalked up to YouTube, grabbing the collar of his still remaining suit jacket.

"What is the meaning of this," she snarled, her voice dripping with cold fury. YouTube tried to push her off of him, but her hands just moved to his throat, beginning to choke him harder. Regret watched in fascination at the sight of YouTube being completely dominated by the unfortunately short HelloFresh. He wondered if she would do that to him too, to punish him for his sinful acts she had deemed not a "strong fit" for her brand.

"We talked about this before, YouTube. You got to fuck the last one. I claimed this one. He was mine!"

"But I got to him first," YouTube managed to hiss, his face turning purple as she continued to squeeze the air out of his windpipe.

"Stop!" Regret cried, unable to watch the murder of the man who had promised to solve all of his financial problems in just thirty minutes.

HelloFresh whipped around, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Stay out of this, you fuckboy-"

"No. I have a proposal, and it requires him staying alive," Regret interrupted, motioning for her to let YouTube go. After a moment's hesitation she complied, muttering a string of curses while YouTube coughed, trying to catch his breath.

"This better be good enough for me to not kill him...Or you," HelloFresh growled.

"It is, I promise," Regret's previously soft member was already hard again, and he could feel her lustful stare running up and down his body. She needed this just as much as he did.

"Out with it, then," She crossed her arms, a little less threatening than before.

"Don't you know that 'sharing is caring'? And from the looks of it, you do seem to care very much," Regret surprised himself with his deep and seductive tone, not missing the slight blush on HelloFresh's cheeks as she bit her lip sexily.

"I agree, and Mr. Reads, you've gotten your monetization," YouTube quickly replied from behind them.

"You don't have a right to disagree either way," HelloFresh snapped, and then cleared her throat.

"I also agree, but on one condition."

"What is it?"

"For the rest of this hour, I get you to myself. Then we can 'share'. And if you don't cum in your time with me...You've got my sponsorship. Which you won't."

Regret nodded. He was always up for a challenge.

"I accept."

The words had barely left his mouth before she pinned him to the table, her hold surprisingly strong for someone of her stature. He now knew why even YouTube was powerless against her. He moaned as she ground against him, unable to do anything as she snapped the handcuffs back onto his wrists, every instinct to fuck her into oblivion being denied.

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