➼ Slow Dancing In The Dark

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'I don't want a friend. I want my life in two. Waiting to get there. Waiting for you.'

"I must say, my boy, this is an excellent gala. I didn't know you had it in you....." I drowned out the words of Mr. Martinez as he continued to praise me. I laughed when I needed to laugh. I smiled when I need to smile. But when they leave, I drop the act.

I grabbed a glass of champagne from a waitress walking by and downed it. I walked to the catering and grabbed a piece of shrimp puff. Silently observing the ball.

"Hey man." I registered the voice to be Mike.

I nodded in aknowledgement.

"Are you enjoying the party? I mean, you did organize it."

Looking at him, I said. "Look, I just-I just wanna be alone." I turned my head back. And immediately regretted it. There, in a long sleeved, green, elegant dress, was Helen. She easily stood out in the crowd. She had a pleasant, gentle smile. But I can see in her eyes that she was tired. Just like me.

It physically hurt me to even look at her. Yet I can't keep my eyes away. I wanted to touch her, to hold her so bad.

When we made eye contact, I could see a crack in the exterior. Her step faltered. The beginnings of a real smile formed, but it quickly descended into a frown. She must have remembered who we are. What we are.

The host announced the start of the dance. People started to pile up in the middle of the ballroom. Men asking women to dance. I see her accepting an offer to one. She was swept off to the dance floor. Giggling like a lovesick teenager. As she should be.

I noticed a woman coming up to me.

She cleared her throat. "Mr. Lee." She balled her fists and asked. "Can I have this dance?" She held out her hand.

I stared at her. I had no interest in engaging in a dance with a lady I've never met. I looked at Helen again, dancing away.

"Yes, you may." I placed my hand on top of hers. As we both walked to the dance floor.

'When I'm around slow dancing in the dark, don't follow me you'll end up in my arms.'

We both swayed to the music. It was slow, and you didn't need to have a choreography for it. It's meant to allow people a free chance to dance without caring. Others were following steps or  were enjoying each other's company.

'You should be with him, I can't compete.
You looked at me like I was someone else.'

But I wasn't paying attention to that. I wasn't paying attention to my partner either. I was staring at a certain redhead who was laughing at something her partner said.

He twirled her, and dipped her, and performed all kinds of techniques. She looked like she was enjoying herself. And when she caught me staring, she remained eye contact. We both danced with other partners while looking at each other. I wished I was him. Except when she looks at me, she sees a different man. A changed man.

The song ended, and my partner and I both parted.

"Thank you for letting me have this dance, Mr. Lee." She said. I admit, she is brave. A very strong, admirable girl. Anyone would be lucky to have her. Just....not me.

I smirked at her. "It was my pleasure. Thank you for gracing me with your presence, miss." I took her hand and kissed the back of it. I don't know, I just felt like it.

Her face burned and she quickly thanked me again and went to run off to who knows where. I chuckled to myself.

The party soon died down. I was downing my eighth glass of champagne when I thought of going to the balcony to smoke. I cupped my hand over the end of the cigarette and lit it. Absently inhaling and exhaling out smoke. I was so lost in my thoughts that I lost track of time. I looked back at the ballroom to find it empty. The lights were turned off, the only source being the moon. A strip of it, slashing through the dark floors of the ballroom.

I turned to get another cigarette from the pack when I heard.

"What are you still doing here, Christopher." She crossed her arms over chest.

I stopped in my tracks. She talked to me. Helen talked to ME.

"I was," I showed her the cigarette. "Do you..." I offered to her. She declined it. She joined me in the railing of the balcony. Pressing her body against it.

"You look good." She scanned my features.

I scoffed. "What are you talking about? I look horrible." Which was true. I have bags under my eyes, they probably look dull and dead. I haven't shaved my scruffy beard. And I didn't even try with my tousled hair.

"You still look good in my eyes." She ran her hand through my hair. I closed my eyes at the feel of her touch.

'I don't wanna slow dance. In the dark.'

"Hey." She perked up. "You wanna dance?" She asked as she held my hand.

I stubbed the cigarrete and left it on the railing and let her drag me. Our footsteps echoing through the ballroom.

"You're the second girl to lead me to the dance floor tonight. I'm such a lady's man." I said as I took her hand and placed my other hand on her waist.

"Oh shut up. We all know you can't ask a girl out for your life. I had to hint at you so many times." She said as we swayed our bodies to the rhythm of our own footsteps.

"Mike was actually the one who told me that you liked me."

"No way! Seriously!?" She slapped my chest as I let out a loud laugh.

"I've told you this a thousand times." I murmured while I closed my eyes, pulling her closer.

"No, you haven't."

I opened my eyes to counter an arguement when I was met with cold air. A breeze went past me as I realized that I was clutching nothing.

I felt the wind knock out of my chest and I crouched down as I sobbed, covering my eyes with my hand.

"These fucking hallucinations."

Song: Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji


So how are ya'll doing? Starting off pretty strong. Sad, very sad indeed. I swead I'm the mother of angst. I'm not even gonna be surprised if almost all the stories I write here are angsty. But we move on bisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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A Series Of Oneshots Based On Songs Cause I Was Bored With No WifiWhere stories live. Discover now