Escape From LA (pt.II)

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Once Starr left the room, Adham sprung into action. He locked the studio door, pulling on the knob forcefully just to check it was closed. He brushed all the doughnut crumbs off the counter and shut the box. Then he dimmed the lights so everything in the room was barely visible, the room bathed in the reddish glow from the recording booth.

Adham knew what Starr's game was now. Deceiving him was top on his list of priorities now that he knew the CEO would be coming back. Everything would have to be done to make sure that when he did, Adham was ever the hardworking young artist, completely in the zone. That being said, there would have to be some verses ready by the time his session was up.

It had been a while since Adham had recorded anything, and if he was being honest, he wasn't sure the music he would be making now would sound anything like his old stuff. Last album campaign was all about the high lifestyle, the dark lanes and parties and drugs. He had worn black for every event, accompanied by a cross necklace he got from Stix. Everything had been about his journey to stardom.

Adham had to resist the urge to gag.

Six months ago, his life was still perfect. Or so he thought. It was the manifestation of his dreams, and therefore perfect in his naive eyes. But perspectives could change. The Adham he had been six months ago thought he and Leila were never going to fight, that Logan would always keep his temper, and life would only get better. How stupid he had been.

The door of the recording booth shut softly as Adham slipped into the booth, unlocking his phone. The bright screen showed two texts - one from Leila and one from Logan. At least everything was going according to plan. Now he just had to cross his fingers and hope he had thought of a plan that could fool the man who seemed to know the ins and outs of everyone who was anyone in this city. Who currently was keeping a very close eye on Adham and Leila specifically.

The mic needed to be adjusted to Adham's height, but after that, he was ready to start. He had hit the record button when he was outside, and began slowly.

"This place is never what it seems," he sang, voice melancholy and low. "Take me out LA, take me out of LA." Adham didn't even think about what he was singing, just kept letting his thoughts pour out of his mouth. "This place will be the end of me, Take me out LA, Take me out of LA."

At that moment, Adham didn't care if anyone would ever hear what he was recording. Selling records and producing hits didn't seem like the dream anymore. As long as he had a mic and something to say, Adham was okay.

Being in Las Vegas by tomorrow morning with the love of his life might also be a plus though.

"I choose Vegas if they offer Heaven's gate," Adham sang, then stopped. That one had come out of nowhere, it seemed. Ever since he was little, prayer and the presence of God had been big parts of Adham's life. Sure, he definitely did his fair share of sinning, but religion was still important. Heaven was still the end destination.

He supposed he still didn't quite know exactly what it was that he wanted.

Once Adham was satisfied with the freestyle verses he had recorded, he exited the recording booth and unlocked the door. He left the lights off though, so when the door opened fifteen minutes later, the person that came in was barely more than a silhouette.

"Adham?" Logan asked, squinting in the dark.

Adham had nearly nodded off completely on the couch, arms folded and head pillowed on the leather arm. It was just so dark and comfy and warm...

But now Logan was standing in front of him, smelling like-


Adham sat straight up, pushing himself off the couch as the small shadow behind Logan came closer and turned into Leila. Without even thinking, Adham swept her up in his arms until her sneakered feet were dangling in the air. He inhaled her perfume - bergamot and the beach - head buried in her warm neck. She giggled against him, the motion rubbing her torso against his. Leila's hair was softer than Adham had remembered, even though it had only been a week since he had last seen her.

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