chapter one

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The year was 1789 in Droonsville, a small town in the early American states, just after America gained it's independence. The town was quite quaint with it's local pub, white picket fences, and small town market. The type of town most people dream of living, where everyone knows everyone. Though none was more known than Waverly Douglas and Delilah Rosalind, the most sought after woman in town and the most unusual woman in town. Waverly was known and loved for her beauty and brains, even the mayor's son, Derick Cline, sought her hand in marriage. Delilah was seen as strange for her strength and sheer persistence, as well as her open love of women.

Waverly was also an oddity. While everyone else was huddled in their houses at night, she would go and swim in the pond, or wash her assortment of jewels and gems in the moonlight. She's even been seen carrying different herbs and plants, many of which were not common for gardens.

Although Delilah was rather queer, in both senses of the word, she was a fairly popular woman. She worked in the market selling groceries. Often folks would stop and talk while they shop, enjoying her honesty and integrity while selling her product.

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