Ruby and Socks

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   A black and white she-cat pranced around her new human home. Her brother followed more slowly behind her. It was large and had many fragile pots and such. The she-cat gaped at it and walked over to her dish bowl. It had wet, sloppy stuff inside it- not like the hard pebbly kind they had growing up.

   "Socks!" she called. "This tastes great!" She took a bite of the sloppy stuff, but then recoiled. It tasted of dirt! "Nevermind!" Socks came over and sniffed the food. He curled his lip at the food.

    "What kind of food it that?" Socks spat. "Dog food, I suppose. Let's go over there, Ruby." She sniffed it one last time before walking up the huge stairs with her brother. The stairs were hard and slippery. They struggled to get up the first batch of spiral stairs.

   "Get down here, kitties!" called the human. "Get! Come down!" Ruby and Socks exchanged a glance before walking back down. Ruby slipped once and fell on her side.

   "Are you okay, clumsy?" Socks asked. "Be more careful, will ya?"

  Ruby snorted and walked back down. She hopped onto the bottom, relieved.

   "Dinner time!" the human said. The two cats walked over to their dishes. The human say away from them, anticipated for them to start eating. "I got it really expensive! I hope you love it!" Ruby stared down at her dish. Then with great reluctance, she chewed a small bite to please her human. But Socks refused to take a bite. She shoved him.

   "Take a bite!" Ruby snarled.

   "But why? I don't want to get worms!" Socks backed off and walked away from his dish. But Ruby kept on eating bite after misrable bite. The human smiled and walked away. Ruby spat the last bite out. She wiped her tounge and walked over to her brother.

   "That was nasty. You didn't even eat anything!" she told him.

   "Because I don't want to be scarred for life!"

   Ruby looked around, then jumped onto the couch. It was soft and plush. She curled up and tried to fall asleep.

   But then the human came crashing in. "Get off you beast!" She wacked Ruby with the pillow. She yowled and hid under the chair. The human muttered something and stormed off. Ruby stared after her, perplexed.

    "What was that for?" Socks asked. "We always go on the couch!"

   "Let's just-" Ruby got interrupted. Two kits came running through the door. They squealed and ran over to the two cats. One was a three year old toddler boy, and the other was a ten year old girl. The girl picked up Socks and squeazed him tight. Sock yowled in pain and clawed the girl in fright. The girl now screamed in pain. She dropped Socks and he landed on his back. The girl went crying to the other human. But the toddler stayed and watched them. Ruby curiously sniffed the toddler. He smiled and giggled whenever she touched his soft furless skin.

   The older human snatched the toddler up and carried him away from the cats. Ruby ran across the carpet in fear of being beat again. She hid under the stairs and curled up. She didn't hesitate to close her eyes and fall asleep. Socks came up and joined her.

                                                                          *            *              *

    Three days passed. Socks and Ruby were completely exhausted from the children. But then that day, their human decieded to take them outside. Ruby and Socks bolted outside, relieved to be free from the home and children. The human stopped at the door and stared at them with angry eyes.

   "You are not going to be let in here again!" the human snapped at them. "With your claws and mad brains. Go! Go away and live somewhere else, you beasts!" She slammed the door and walked away. Ruby ran to the door. She yowled and scratched at the wood.

   "Please!" she meowed. "I promise to be good!"

   "Ruby." Socks tried to talk to her.

   "I won't claw the furniture anymore!" Ruby continued desprately.

   "Ruby!! We have to go!" Socks dragged her away from the door. "She won't let us in! We'll find another home, I promise Ruby. We can live out there and find another home. They don't want us here."

   "Where will we go?" she asked him. They walked to the edge of the yard. Since there was no fence, they just walked through the bushes and onto the forest border.

   Ruby stopped in her tracks. She looked fearfully at her brother. "Will.... will we get thrown in the r-river?" She flattened her ears.

   "Of course not. I bet Tiny is dead alreay, for running off like that." Socks walked again. Ruby caught up to her brother. "That fool. He was always getting into trouble."

   The littermates walked and walked, but they never crossed a comforing home. Almost always they had a dog or a feirce cat alreay. They walked until Ruby suggested they camp out for the night. Her paws ached.

   "We're almost to the city!" Socks pointed to the bright lights. It was about a quarter mile away. "We have to keep walking." Ruby sighed but agreed. They walked and walked until they reached a large gate. They slid under it and gazed around. Ruby stared around, grossed out by the slime oon the walls and dirty ground beneath her. Socks walked over to a bunch of rags and sniffed them. He drew back his head in disgust.

   "This is where we will be sleeping?" Ruby complained. "It's so nasty!"

   "Would you like to sleep somewhere else?" growled a deep voice. A huge gray tomcat emerged from the shadows. He walked slowly over to them. "You're on Bloodclan territory. Get off."

   "Who's going to make me?" Socks stepped forward and growled back at the tom.

   Suddenly two other cats slunk from the shadows to join the white tom. "These guys." The gray tom showed his yellow teeth in a smug smile. "Fine. If you aren't going to get off, you'll have to meet Scourge."

   "Who's that?" Ruby asked.

   A gnarled white tom stepped forward. "Our leader." He had a funny accent. He prounced it as, 'Oua leada.' The white tom walked behind them and shoved them. "Go now!" Ruby walked forward, frightened. Socks growled at any cat who got too close to them. The sun started to rise over the distant hills, casting a light over the streets.

   The tomcats led them into a dark vally. Cats from both sides peered at them from the darkness. Ruby shrank below their gazes as she walked up to a garbage can. The toms stopped.

   "Scourge. You have visitors." growled the gray tom. A black tom popped up his head from the top of the can. Around his neck sat a collar full of teeth.

   Ruby stared at the small tom, astonished. "T-Tiny? Is that you?"

   "It's Scourge now." 

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