Chapter 2

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Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre once said "What necessity is there to dwell on the Past, when the Present is so much surer–the Future so much brighter?" It sounds so easy to do when said like that but in reality, it is much harder. Especially when you aren't ready to let go of the past.

All around me it seems that everyone has moved on, forgotten about the incident. It appears to be only Olympia and me that are still stuck in the past. The final two who can't forget. And everyone expects so much more from me now than they did before and the worst part is I am so much more broken and incompetent now.

Suddenly I realised I was at my door and I couldn't help but feel like it took way lesser time to reach my room from the dining room than usual. I opened the door and walked in only to see Xenia making my bed.

"Oh, there you are! I've been waiting for you to get back, Your Highness. I have been meaning to ask you which gown you would like to wear for the meeting. Or would you rather that I got a new one made for you?" Xenia says to me as I walk toward my bookshelf at the corner of the room.

"How many times have I told you not to be so formal with me Xenia? And to answer your question I think I would need a new dress for a meeting like this." I tell her. I start rummaging through the shelves searching for a specific book.

"I can do that, but you will have to tell me what kind of a dress you have in mind. I mean do you want a dress that screams confidence or a dress that portrays elegance?" She asks me.

I look at her in amusement and reply saying, "How about a mixture of both? I- Oh for goodness sake! Where in the cookies is that book?" I say. I really needed to rearrange my bookshelves. The overflow of books was not helping me find anything.

"First of all cookies? Really?" She says with a slight laugh. "And secondly what book?"

"I'm royalty and being royalty I'm not allowed to swear so I have to make do with whatever I can still say, so cookies it is. And I'm searching for the book, 'A Guide to the History of Swindell.'"

"Is that the hardbound, green coloured book with gold inscriptions? I think I saw your brother take it." Xenia says. I frowned and said, "Oh great! Now I'll have to wait for him to finish the book." I was a little annoyed that Caspian had the idea of reading it before I even thought of it, but I knew he had always been better at this stuff than I could ever be.

"Why do you need the book anyway?" She asks me. "My father is having a meeting with the neighbouring kingdoms to discuss some issues and make sure they are on our side. He has also invited Hendrix and everyone knows how much we hate each other so I wanted to brush up my history on what exactly happened just in case it is mentioned." I say to her.

"Ok, then why don't you tell me everything you know, then we can figure out where to go from there." Xenia says to me. "I really don't know what I'd do without you Xenia, you're like a lifesaver." I say to her. And it was true. I really didn't know what I would do, Xenia was literally the only reason my life was so put together.

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