chapter 6

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Katherine's POV

I've been on the run from Klaus for over five hundred years and in that short amount of time, I have managed to break several hearts and rip out others. I'm a survivor, and its about time that I make sure that I live up to my name. At least not before my doppelgänger bitch.

After hearing a lot of rumors circulating in the vampire community, I decided to check it out for myself.

I have to admit that I've never understood New Orleans appeal. Sure there's the jazz and it has character, but one bad storm and it'll be underwater again. After getting my palm reading done by an elderly African lady with large, round brown eyes and crazy curly hair, Agnes, who was stationed on the sidewalk with a two rickety chairs and a square metal table, I made my way to the "Palace."

Once upon a time, Klaus, blondie, and my past love use to live in a mansion in the middle of the town square before the fire and their father who caused them to run off again. I've never seen it until now. Elijah and I had a sort of on again/off again relationship. Five hundred years ago when I was human, we sort of had a thing before our flirtation ended after his psychotic brother attempted tried to drain me of my blood. Then with the help of two vampires, I myself became part of the secret undead society. Then a few months ago, I contacted Elijah telling him that I had the cure to vampirism, we made a deal sealing it with a personal one of our own until he realized that I was a crazy, pathological liar. Duh, everybody knows that, but don't worry. Our relationship switch is flickering once more, and soon we will be together again. This time it will last forever if I can convince him to come with me and leave his sadistic brother behind, who has abandoned in the past. No problem, right?

Anyways, from the outside, the Palace looks like just another brick building with a discreet entrance. A small stoop and a door that opens up to a courtyard. The courtyard is completely man mad. Nature doesn't dare to venture here. There aren't any plants, no flowers, no greenery.

From here you can access and room in the house. There are two floors, and on the topmost one there is a huge balcony that everybody can access, from any room. Outside it was sunny casting shadows in the courtyard where I now stood.

"Hello, can I help you?" a masculine voice asked, one filled with power and confidence almost like Klaus's, but less animalistic, more humane.

"Actually yes you can," I responded with a smirk.

Suddenly he came into view. I licked my lips, trying to remind myself of what my mission was and when that didn't work of Elijah. How he wears suits all the time with the same black tie that he use to use to bound my wrists together as his hands explored every inch of my body before he pounded in to me. 

I pictured Elijah's chocolate brown eyes that were always calculating, always comparing old Katherine to new Katherine. He tried to put all my broken puzzle pieces together, not realizing that several were missing, gone, while still trying to come up with a finished product. Something good, honorable, pure. I pictured his hair and how he loved it when I tugged it gently while he made love to me. That's what we had, love, and that's what Elijah and I would have again and soon.

This stranger, as hot as he was, couldn't compete with that.

Still, I had a plan one that he couldn't know about, so my next actions would have to be well played out. Why couldn't they be pleasurable at the same time?

"Are you Marcel Gerard?" I asked. He starred at me for a few moments before answering. He didn't appear to be suspicious, only confused. I took the moment to study him.

Marcel appears to be taller than six feet with a very muscular build. He has big, sexy chocolate brown eyes that appear like he is always smiling. Even better, he wears clothes that show off his shape including his barely hidden bulge.

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