I'm so bored

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Really questioning if it's like morally ok to be treating a hospital like a hotel.

Long story short, I'm fine. I'm medically well enough to be discharged finally with a few medications. However, I don't have anywhere to go because home has been declared unsafe. So the only place I can wait for a foster placement is here.


Also I keep complaining at the idea of having to stay a weekend if I'm not placed today, since offices close over the weekend, but like also... I'm gonna live somewhere else for a while, which is what I've wanted for 16 years. So I feel like I can't complain.

But like also... It sucks here. Because of covid my room is genuinely like a cell.

Still, I'm on my third (technically fourth) day and I haven't gone insane yet. Cried a fuck ton tho. Just got another three days.

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