Chapter 17

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Third person's POV

The two lovebirds were walking to the guild from the train station. The two were coming back to the guild kind of late in the afternoon, after the time they had last night who could blame them. They were basically in heaven right now. Except for one problem. Nashi had no idea if they were officially together or not and she was too scared to ask him. She was so worried that she didn't realize how spaced out and fidgety she was, but Storm did.

"Hey Nash are you ok? You're acting kind of weird." he asked

"Umm, no I'm fine." she said hesitantly, avoided eye contact, obviously lying and trying

"Nash," he started and put a hand on her shoulder causing her to stop walking and turn around to look at him, "You know you can tell me anything right? I know when somethings bothering you."

She still couldn't look him in the eye and just stared at his shoulder fidgeting with her finders. She stayed silent trying to think of an excuse or trying to evade the question but was coming up blank.

"Nashi." he said gripping her shoulder a little harder but not hard enough to hurt her

Finally giving into him she looked at him in the eyes and let out a long sigh, "What are we Storm? Because I know we both like each other and we did sleep together last night but we didn't really talk about it and confirm anything. And I'm kinda scared that you're going to want to keep it a secret or you're just using me or something else really bad and I don't want that. I just really-" she kept rambling not stopping for air until she was cut off by soft lips on hers

Storm in an attempt to shut her up kissed her. His plan worked perfectly and she at first flinched from the surprise kiss but eventually melted into it. They broke the kiss and looked at each other. Storm with a slight pink highlighted on his cheeks and Nashi with a full on blush on her face.

"Nashi Dragneel, I love you more than anything in this world and any world. You are literally the one thing I can't live without and I know I'm being all sappy and cheesy or whatever but I want to say that you are my everything and you would make me the happiest guy alive if you'd let me be your boyfriend."

Storm had the biggest blush Nashi had ever seen on his face and that by no means helped the blush on her face. She had no idea how the hell she was supposed to respond. She felt so happy that she was going to explode. So she did the first thing her body wanted to do. She jumped on him giving him the biggest hug he would ever receive.

"Yes, you big dummy! I would love for you to be my boyfriend!" she exclaimed happily still in his arm and gave him the sweetest kiss they've exchanged yet and you best bet there will be many more of them.

------------- Timeskip ------------------------

Everyone in the guild was being as normal as they could be. Natsu and Gray are fighting, causing them to make Erza drop her cake, then making them run and hide for their lives. Gajeel and Gale sitting at a table eating lunch and talking about music. Mira working at the bar, chatting every once in a while with people at the bar. Rosemary and Levy were sitting at the bar talking about ways to get them back to their correct time period and Lucy, Wendy, and Juvia were also sitting at the bar talking about whatever came up.

While everyone was doing their own thing the guild doors opened revealing the new couple. Nashi was immediately waved over by the excited Mira and other girls to her about the date, obviously expecting good news since neither of them came home last night and Storm was welcomed to a death glare from Gale and he had an idea why and walked over to him honestly terrified for his life.

Nashi's POV

I was called over by the girls and excitedly walked over to them so I could tell them the events of my date with Storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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