1 : Skye

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"Thank you so much, Skye, for having a Korean friend. We don't have to stay at some crappy old motel or freakin' expensive fancy hotel and waste money."

I laughed as I grabbed my suitcase from the carousel. "Well, you're welcome."

"I can't believe we're staying with Korean dudes for the next week. Like, how did you even meet them?" Kasey went on and on and I was pretty sure her suitcase already passed us. "You're sure that they're not pervs or anything, right?"

"Uh, Kase, isn't that your bag over there?" I pointed at the pink and purple bag that was moving farther away.

"Shit! It is mine." She hurried on to catch up to it and I laughed as she attempted to get it. She succeeded, almost missing it, but she succeeded in her task.

"They're pretty cool, from what I remember the last time I hung out with them," I told her.

"Oh, right, you only kept in touch with one of the guys." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I shook my head and let out a small chuckle. "We're just friends," I reminded her.

Her lips were pulled into a smirk. "Sure, like I believe that."

"Believe what you want then," I muttered.

She snorted. "Oh, I will. I've got enough proof that you like him. I see the way your eyes light up whenever he texts."

I tried to keep my expression neutral. It had been two years since I had seen BamBam, in person, but I might have that crush on him still. I mean, even through text he was a flirty dude. He did say he liked me back then but that was two years ago. I couldn't be sure that his feelings hadn't changed.

I ignored Kasey's comment and started for the exit. We were supposed to meet with someone, I just couldn't remember the name nor did I know the appearance of this person. Hopefully the person would have the sense to hold a sign indicating that he/she would be the one picking us up.

They did, thankfully. The guy held up a sign, written in a child-like handwriting was my name. Kasey and walked over to him.

"Skylar?" he questioned, my name sounding weird with his Korean accent. I couldn't remember if BamBam had the same accent or not.

I nodded and he motioned for us to follow. I realized that he must not know much English. That pretty much led to a car ride that consisted of just Kasey and I chatting and planning for our trip. Awkward car ride for him, though it felt a bit rude to just ignore the guy who took some time out of his schedule to pick us up.

We pulled up in front of a familiar building and I could butterflies in my stomach. The nerves were there though there wasn't anything to be nervous about. I mean, these were the same seven guys I met two years ago.

Okay, so there was nothing to he nervous about aside from seeing BamBam again. If I could describe how I think our reunion would be like, I'd say awkward. The last time I saw him I confessed my crush on him then shut the door in his pretty face.

I mean, our texting wasn't so awkward. It's just... it's been two years since we've talked face to face.

"Keys to the dorm," our driver said, holding up a set of keys. "They are still in practice."

I just nodded, taking the keys from him. He told me where to go and I muttered a thanks.

Kasey and I grabbed our bags and headed inside the building. It wasn't so hard to find their dorm, and I let us in.

Inside didn't look so different from two years ago. Well, there was some changes but it still looked familiar to me.

"So this is where your friends live," Kasey muttered, looking around. "Cool. So, where are we sleeping?"

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