ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕪 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕦𝕘𝕤 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕕 {ℝ𝕒𝕪 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣}

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Key: (F/L) First letter of First Name     (Y/F/F) Your favorite flower


Word Count: 1249

Nat~ I think the song I attached at the top is good to listen to while reading the last past starting after the reception or for the whole story lol. It always reminds me of dancing in the rain Irl.

Who would have thought a childhood promise could be kept?

It was a sunny day at Gracefield Orphanage. Two children around 5 years-old stood under a large tree tree reading a book. This book involved something called romance or love. They didn't fully understand the word but they were drawn to it. They read about the beautiful girl marrying the beast because she saved him in all the ways she could. That made the young, slightly sleepy, boy think of her. She was sitting right next to him, looking over his shoulder as he read the end of that chapter. Her beauty was beyond compare in all aspects of the word. She saw through how closed off he was and made a great relationship with him. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to spend the rest of his days reading to her and seeing that smile or hearing her laughter. "Ray, when we get older I want to get married and have a family." she says a bit bashfully. "With who?" "You of course silly. Would you do that for me?"... "Yeah I think that would be nice." He said with a rare smile. "Pinky Promise?" They interlocked their pinkies, kissed their thumbs, and stuck them together for extra strength as she called it.

Now they would finally fulfill that promise they made oh so long ago. They decided to get married at the same spot they made that promise. The big tree with the two carvings "L+I" and "R+(F/L)." They had carved their names on that tree when they were 11 and 12 just before they escaped. It was kind of like a parting gift to the place they used to call home. They also had it there because so many firsts happened there, their first time holding hands, their first kiss, everything they did together for the first time happened there. It was only fair they would have the first wedding for humans under that tree.

Ray stood under the arch of flowers, nervously straightening his tie. Norman stood in the middle of the arch waiting with Ray. He put his large hand on Ray's shoulder and said "Your tie is straight, relax." That did little to quell his fast beating heart and sweaty palms but at least he had a friend to reassure him.

You stood in a room with some of the other girls. Gilda was straightening up your dress, Anna was making sure your bouquet was perfect, and Emma was staring in admiration. You were stunning. You looked effortlessly beautiful and radiant. They stepped back to admire their work and squealed. "Ray will love it!" They said in unison.

You walked down to where Mister or "Yuugo" as you knew him by now stood waiting for you. (Ik he is dead but pretend he is not so he can walk you down the aisle!) You were like his own daughter so seeing you in that beautiful white dress and long veil covering your face made him shed a minuscule tear. You met him in the middle and he put out his arm for you to grab. You smiled and he smiled back. Although he would never admit it, he was proud. This was his family of sorts and he was giving away his "daughter."

Nat started playing the piano once he saw you take a step out into the aisle. Carol walked in front of you and Mister as she threw flowers on the walkway. You still remember when she came to this exact place when she was just a baby and you held her for the first time. Now she was 12 years old and was just like what Emma was like as a kid. Phil walked behind you holding two rings on a pillow. He grew up too fast for your liking. He was 16 now and quite tall. It made you feel old seeing him so grown up when it felt like just yesterday you could hold him on your hip.

The crowd of people went silent and stared in awe as you walked down the aisle. Your hair glistened and your eyes sparked as the sun hit them oh so perfectly. Your bouquet was magnificent as well. It consisted of an assortment of white flowers and for a pop of color, (Y/F/F).

Ray tensed and his eyes widened a bit. She was more beautiful than he would have ever imagined and he had imagined it a lot. He started to tear up as you got closer. You were going to be his wife in just a few minutes. It made him look back on all the things you did together from your very first conversation to your first kiss. It felt like this all but a dream.

"You may now kiss the bride!" said Norman in an enthusiastic tone.

Ray lifted the veil over your face and looked into your eyes with all the love in his heart.

After what felt like hours of staring into each other's eyes Ray kissed you. It was filled with every emotion he could fit in it. The crowd erupted in cheers and some wolf whistles from Thoma and Lannion. Then, you both did something no one expected.

You and Ray put your foreheads together and smiled softly as you made another pinky promise. You were silently promising to follow your vows. Even though you had previously done so a pinky promise felt more real. You kissed your thumbs, stuck them together, and sealed it with another kiss on the lips.

In the night, after the reception, you and Ray were celebrating yourselves without anyone around. (not dirty stuff lol) Then the sound of water hitting the window pane interrupted your happy little hug.

It was like when you were younger. You would both go out in the rain after your escape and just slow dance. You would hug, kiss maybe, but you both enjoyed it a lot. Though you never knew, some of the little kids would spy on you two in these moments and just make quiet "aww's."

You dragged Ray out into the rain and you just started swaying. You didn't care if you would be soaking wet or sick in the morning, you just wanted to stare into your husband's eyes and never want this moment to end.

Then you heard a click. You looked up and saw Ray pulling out a picture from his camera. It was a much more up to date model that he got as a wedding gift. What would be a better first photo than one of his beloved wife?

You both just laughed.

"You know there's one thing I want to add to our vows..." said Ray "I will always dance in the rain. Even when I'm in my rocker." you both finished off in unison.

As you said those words you both looked up to the gray sky and said yet again in unison "We did it Mama."

Then you felt a gust of wind grasp both your shoulders, as if to hug you.

You both knew it was Isabella and you knew she was smiling down at both of you.

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