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Benny's POV

Yeah-Yeah had a sister too but since his parents divorced we never really see her. Yeah-Yeah's dad got him and his mom got her. Anyways, Yeah-Yeah had that place crapped out with everything we could want and need. Scary movies, snacks, pizza, pop, games, and he had all our sleeping stuff set up in his room. He had the radio blaring some tunes as we ate pizza.

"We are gonna destroy Phillips and his tiger gang tomorrow!" Squints cheered.

The rest of the boys and Jackie cheered about how they were gonna beat the hell out of the TIgers. I was kinda scared for tomorrow, I mean I knew we were gonna win, but the way Phillips kept staring at Jackie and looking her up and down. If he so much as lays a hand on her, he's dead. Jackie kissed my cheek and brought me out of my thoughts. She stared into my eyes with her emerald green ones, God was she beautiful.

"WE ARE GONNA PLAY GAMES NOW!!!" cheered DeNunez.

Jackie grabbed my hand and brought me outside while the boys got ready to play never have I ever.

"Hey, um... I need to talk with Benny real quick." Jackie announced.

The boys oo'ed and made making out references. Jackie punched Bertrum on our way out, and when we got outside you could hear them scrambling to the door to hear what she had to say. I was kinda scared of what she had to say, was she breaking up with me because of Phillips? Jackie looked me in the eyes and sighed.

"Benny, are you ok? You seemed out of it when we were playing ball and then you zoned out when Yeah-Yeah was talking." 

I stared at her, she looked scared or concerned, or was it both? I took her hands in mine and lifted her head to face me.

"I'm just worried about what Phillips will do to you. If we don't break up he'll hurt you and I can't let that happen." I whispered.

In a flash, she pressed her lips against mine. All the troubles in the world melted away when I was with her everything didn't matter, and when I kissed her everything in the world seemed as if it has paused. She pulled away and laid her head on m chest, she was short and I liked it.

"Whatever Phillips 'says' he's gonna do to us. We can get through it together." Jackie inspired.

I hugged her tightly. I let go and kissed her quickly, we headed inside and when we did the boys were rushing to make it seem like they weren't listening. I rolled my eyes and we began never have I ever.

Yeah-Yeah's POV

After we started our game, I was caught in my thoughts. Was Phillips really gonna hurt Jackie and Benny because they were dating? If he did hurt either of them it would be the last thing he does. Jackie was the best girl I've ever met, not that I had a crush on her, but she was like the older sister I've always wanted. She was sitting in the left of me with Squints on my right, Benny had his hand on her thigh and I hoped he didn't do anything else while we were here.

"Never have I ever... had my first kiss," Smalls announced.

Benny, Jackie, Squints, DeNunez, Tommy, Timmy, Smalls, Ham, and Bertrum put their fingers down. I haven't even had my first kiss yet, I wanted Jackie to be it when I was little but now I can't do that. 

"Yeah-Yeah? You've never kissed a girl?" Benny asked.

I nodded slowly. Jackie whispered something to Benny and he nodded, she went on to tell the rest while I was left out. They started giggling uncontrollably,  I was getting annoyed. Was she making fun of me? Jackie crawled over to me and smiled.

"Sorry little dude," she said.

Then in a flash, her lips were on mine. The boys cheered. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Benny fidget and look away. Jackie pulled away and then went over to Benny to comfort him. The boys congratulated me on my kiss, I couldn't believe Jackie did that. I front of Benny! Like does this girl have nothing to lose?!? We continued our game and after watched a horror movie. I was laying y head in Jackie's lap while she played with my hair, Benny had an arm around her and her head was on his shoulder. The movie was actually really scary we all jumped and screamed throughout the whole thing, except Jackie she was impossible to scare. During the last portion of the movie, Jackie went to the bathroom, and a devious plan formed in my head.

"Guys we should scare Jackie," I suggested.

The boys agreed, we could tell that she was freaked out a bit about the movie but she would never let it show. So we hid behind the couch, some were under blankets, and others were around the corner to the kitchen. We heard the toilet flush and the sink run, after about half a minute Jackie came out of the bathroom. She looked around for us her face contorted with slight fear, she started to call our names.

"Ham? Yeah-Yeah? Benny? Where are you guys?" her voice wavered.

We giggled as she had a little freakout, I clapped twice which indicated for us to jump out. We jumped at her and screamed and she screamed higher and louder, she turned and swung a fist hitting Ham in the arm. He whimpered in pain as she apologized, and the rest of us laughed.

"It's not funny!" She yelled.

Benny went over to hug her and she calmed down a bit. After she did we finished the movie and brought our sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows down into the living room to sleep. DeNunez was taking the couch, Ham got the love seat, Bertrum got the recliner, and the rest got my comfy floor.

Jackie's POV

I was laid down under the love seat where my brother was sleeping. Yeah-Yeah was snuggling me while I laid my head on Benny's shoulder, I wonder if he thinks I like him because I kissed him. I just did it because I didn't want the boys to tease him about it, and I knew he used to like me when we were little. All the boys were asleep its sad that they can't stay up past 11:30, a sudden knocking came from the backdoor. I carefully moved Yeah-Yeah off of me and pushed myself from Benny to make sure neither woke up, I walked to the backdoor to see one of Phillips's friends. Jordan. He motioned for me to come outside to talk with him. I slowly opened and closed the door, Jordan was a nice kid.

"Hey, um... I just wanted to apologize for the stuff Phillips has done to you. He's a complete asshole and I hate him." he explained.

I was shocked. A friend of Phillips apologizing to me, the girl they gang up on and beat the crap out of? Jordan looked sincerely sorry and I could tell he was. I didn't let my brain think about what I wanted to do, but I walked up and hugged him.

"Thank you, Jordan," I whispered.

He had no idea how much that meant to me, even if Phillips didn't apologize himself a friend of his meant the world. The things they have done to me, and the trama I had to carry from that; Jordan saying sorry meant the world. I let go and faced him.

"After the game tomorrow, I'm done being Phillips's friend. I'll go hang out with the other baseball players and maybe you guys some time?" he asked.

"Sure!" I answered.

With that he waved goodbye, I started to walk back to the house when Ham appeared in the doorway. He looked pissed.

"What was that about Jacklyn?" he questioned.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, sir. One of Phillips's friends Jordan came to apologize for what Phillips did to me and Jordan said he hates Phillips and that after tomorrow he's quitting Phillips."

Ham just nodded and went back to sleep. I walked over and laid my head on Benny's arm again and grabbed Yeah-Yeah so that we could cuddle. It might be weird for Benny that I'm cuddling my little baby than him but I love Yeah-Yeah and we always cuddle. Yeah-Yeah got comfortable next to me and I kissed his forehead goodnight. I turned to Benny and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Night baby," he whispered.

I smiled and fell asleep.


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