Hey There

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Hey There

How are you? How have you been?
It's been some time since we last talked
Are you mad? Did I make you sad?
I don't know what I else can say to you
But, I'm sorry

I'm sorry that I left you hanging
I'm sorry that I made you wonder
I'm sorry that I became a ghost
I'm sorry that I had hurt you

I didn't mean to do it, really
Honestly, I was going to send you a reply
But life came at me as it typically does
Drained me and left me like a shell
Of a weak me

I'd understand if you don't want to talk to me
I'd understand if you wanna forget
I'd understand if you deleted our convos
I'd understand if you won't reply anymore

But I can't move on
Without saying this outright:
"I'm thankful we found each other,
You have made me really happy
When we'd talk."

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