The First Puppet

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    Midoriya's POV:

It all started when I was born I had a loving mother, along with a great father, though some of this changed as I aged, my father left on a business trip but never came back.  Though to make up for this my mother stood by me, along with my uncle Shota Aizawa, who is also a hero that I'm inspired to be.  Mom taught me everything about home, cooking for myself, and of course manners, while Uncle-zawa showed me how to fight, and protect myself. 

At the age of 4 you discover your quirk, and mine was a mysterious one, we called it Alice.  I was a puppeteer, making blood puppets were easy, and so were cloth puppets, I made everything from fantasy to reality, and everything in between.  If I had a puppet, I could control you.  Though this made some people hate me, but others that I didn't even know loved me, and would die by my wish.  I liked to call it "Die for Me!" Based off a game that I found, with Alice in it, its her signature move, though I only use it to knock people out.

I was ahead in most of my grades, mostly since Uncle-zawa was a high school teacher, he taught at UA, so I already knew many things.  I some times went with him and his students enjoyed me, none hated me, even if I was obsessed with puppets.  But then again, it was apart of my quirk. (-_-)

I also meet my childhood friend Kacchan, or Katsuki Bakugo (Author's Question: Is it spelled Bakugo or Bakugou?)  through my mother's friend, Mitsuki Bakugo.  We love to play with eachother, he also always protected me, even if I could do it myself.  As I stated before people either love me, or hate me, usually its psychopathic stalkers just watching me sleep, which I have gotton use to, or they try to kidnap me, which never works.  It's funny seeing them try though.

In elementary school, I met a guy named Ejirio Kirishima, his quirk let him harden his body, Kacchan and I liked to train with him a lot, but he went to a different middle school, while moving away. 

And our 7th grade year was interesting to say the least, a new student showed up, I think her name was Kyoka Jiro, I don't remember clearly since she wasn't in any of my classes besides homeroom.  All I remember about her was she was planning in taking the hero entrance exam for UA just like me, Kacchan, and Kiri.

Izuka age 14. Current day July 15th, Izuka's birthday.

Today's my birthday, I never really ask for anything besides Uncle-zawa to join us, that's all I ever wanted each year, and each year he did. But this year was slightly different, again I asked for Uncle-zawa, but he brought something with him it was in a red box, with a black bow.

"Here Izu, I made this for you.  And I hope you use it in the UA entrance exam." He said with a genuine smile on his face, which was rare, mom snapped a picture, while I opened my first ever birthday present. 

It was a doll, a dragon doll to be more precise, red eyes, black scales, when I saw it I had tears in my eyes.  It was now my most priceless object, I used my quirk on it to make him tiny, while giving him a mind of his own until I take over.

"Ah, hello Mistress. My name is Seth, I'm capable of anything you tell me to do, your imagination is the limit.  I'm also made out of cotton but also a metal alloy like the one in Creator's scarf. I'm unable to rip." He said with a relatively deep voice while landing rolled up on my head.  It was cute.  "I. LOVE. HIM."  I said to Uncle, he looked pleased with the results, and their outcomes.

(Author's Note: Seth's voice sounds like Corpse Husband.  Go look him up on YouTube if you don't know him.)

(A couple months later.)

I walked through the UA gates some heroes recognized me, and said "hello," same with second and third year students.  Then I saw my other uncle, Uncle Mic.

Before the orientation started I chatted with him since I haven't seen him in a while, he told me about how he was workng on a case, and wishing me good luck on the exam. 

I already knew this would be easy, for me, Kacchan, and possibly Kiri, Jiro too.

(First part of Alice's Puppeteer is done.  Next section is about the entrance exam, along with introductions to the characters.)

(Well, til next time, my little poets, Poet out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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