Dear Rabbit

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Dear Rabbit,

If anybody else were to read this, they'd likely consider me insane for writing to what they think of as an imaginary friend, particularly with me being in my A-Level year and all. As I recollect, you've similar exams coming up called NEWTs. I still remember my confusion when you told me that you're parents expected all Os from you, RAB, and your likewise confusion when I said I was aiming for all As.

You are quite real, RAB, but the fact you'll likely never see my letter doesn't mean you're not real.

So why write this letter at all, when I know you'll never receive it?

Simply put, I want to put pen to paper how much that night we met means to me. It was definitely real, but quite magical, wouldn't you say? Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, of being honest even though being honest regarding what you were going through hurt so much, not to mention could get you into so much trouble.

I don't regret anything about that night, nor will I ever forget.

Olivia Granger


Writing the letter proved satisfying.

Olivia carefully folded the paper into thirds, planning on stuffing the letter away with her other papers in one of her desk drawers when a hand reached out snatching the paper away. She turned slightly in her desk chair, glaring at her oldest brother. "Richard!"

Standing up, she wasn't tall enough to snatch the letter back. Quickly, Richard turned around as he lowered the letter down, his eyes glancing over the contents of the letter. "Should I be concerned about this so-called magical night of yours?"

"On top of the fact it's really none of your business..." Olivia snatched the latter away, quickly tucking the letter into her desk drawer. " need to stop acting like my father. You aren't."

"So this Rabbit person is some boy I need to worry about?"

"Told you. Stop acting like you're my dad."

"Olivia. I'm acting like your older brother because I am your older brother. By ten years I might add, so that does give me just a smidgen of parental authority over you."

"No, it doesn't."

"Seriously though. Do I need to worry about this Rabbit person you're writing in code to?"

"Code?" Oliva shook her head frowning the entire time. "I'm not likely to see him again even though I'd like to, so no. Now get out of my room. You're not supposed to just barge in here."

"I didn't. The door was open."


To Olivia,

I don't expect you'll ever receive this letter, particularly since I'm likely to burn said letter or hide it so maman can't find it. As you know, that's French for mother. I'd never had someone laugh at me because they took delight in how formal I sound. I remember you used the word antiquated instead. Maman and papa both expect it of me, but everyone else laughed as if there was something wrong with me.

The fact a Muggle didn't think that wrong, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Technically, I'm a Black so I'm not allowed to do either. I can't escape the fact maman would absolutely kill me if she found out I spent the night with a Muggle girl. Hence why I must burn this letter or hide it.

In case you're wondering, which you won't be as you'll never get this letter, papa will simply give me the silent treatment.

Why is there nothing in life I don't regret? Why can't I do anything right? Goodness knows I already talked to you at great length on this subject, of how nothing I do seems to please anybody – not maman, not papa, not Siri. I feel empty inside. You already know that though. I'm not allowed to say how I feel, and I go and tell a random Muggle girl I randomly meet one night exactly how I feel.

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