626 20 16

Y/N: Your Name
Y/L: Your Last Name
H/L: Hair Length
H/C: Hair Color
A/N: Author Note
F/C: Favorite Color
E/C: Eye Color
Y/M: Your Mom
Y/D: Your Dad
POV: Point of view

Sexuality: ?

Gender: trans guy

Age: 16

Quirk: survivor.
You gain slight resistances to sorts of attacks depending on the form of attack. For example, if you're frozen solid and survive it, you'll gain a little ice resistance, so that the next time that'll happen, you won't be as badly injured or frozen. Plus, you gain reflexes that help you dodge the attacks. But the situation has to be stressful, painful, damaging or traumatic. Things like battles, heated arguments, fights and social interaction can activate your quirk, but it's not useful during the situation.

⚠️Trigger warning:
MAJOR self-hate
Trust issues
Child abuse

You are Y/N L/N. You were born a girl, but it never felt right. Last year, you figured yourself out as transgender. You haven't come out of the closet yet, but you will someday. But you're scared of your parents. Time and time again they have said that if they could, they could wipe the LGBTQ community, or "impurities", as they call them, from this world. And they seem to have a special hate for transgender people. Also, they have been fighting since you were 10.

The Fucked Guy (UA x FTM reader)Where stories live. Discover now