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⚠️TW gayness (this is for those fucking homophobes), etc⚠️

I wake up the next day to my alarm clock, like always. I get dressed, smile at myself in the mirror, and go to school. Immideatly, I'm tackled into a hug by Yaoyorozu and Jirou.

"Hey, Y/N? You're really rockin'."

I pull away, then laugh.

"What's this all about?"


She smiles at Yaoyorozu, and they kiss. And I squeal.

"You're together?!"

"We're together I guess. Rockin', right?!"

"More than rockin', that's AMAZING!"

"Yeah! I'm not so sure about Mineta though. He's being creepier than usual."

Indeed, he is. He's staring at them with sparkles in his eyes, and I go up to him.

"Hello Mineta."

"H-hi Y/N!"

"There's something I gotta tell you, ok?"


I take a deep breath, lean backwards, then smile.

"Hippity hoppity, the girls aren't your property."

I then promptly kick him in the balls and leave. He's probably used to this though. Anyways, I take my seat, and Mr Aizawa comes. He's his usual gloomy self, and I somehow manage to not get triggered all the day. And at lunch, Jirou smiles at me, and I notice that I'm always sitting with her and Momo. Cool.

"Hey, Y/N? I've heard you sing in the showers. You've got an awesome voice, so..... How about a little song?"


"C'mon! Please?"

Eventually the whole class cheers for me, and I take the mic from Jirou and blush.

"I-i'm not THAT good though....."

"C'mon Y/N! Don't be nervous, just go!"

I take a deep breath. First time singing in front of my class? That's fine. I sing them a song. You might know it. "NO" by Meghan Trainor. It's AMAZING. And after I sing it to them, they give me a round of applause, and Jirou and Yaoyorozu hug me, with Jirou smiling.

"Good job Y/N! That was a rockin' performance! C'mon, let's have a sleepover."

We go to Momo's house, and she's obviously rich, so it's a HUGE mansion. We watch "hunchback of Notre Dame", per my request, because c'mon, the songs are AMAZING! And Quasimodo is an AMAZING protagonist. And-sorry. I got carried away, which is something both me and author-kun have in common. Anyway, where was I? Oh right. Um, so, we watch hunchback, geek out on our favorite books, mangas, TV shows, heroes and more, and I eventually fall asleep, with the last things I see being Jirou and Momo, happily snuggled, in love and asleep. And my dreams take me to a worse place. A nightmare. Because of course. I see my parents, screaming at me. I see my friends, leaving me. I see my boobs, attaching themselves back to where they were. I see the strange female in the mirror, staring at me. I see my worst fears, and they terrify me.

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