Day whatever

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Hey lovlesss hope everything been good

Its been a while since ive done a propper layed out page so lets try lol

Anyway ima attempt tonight and i actually kinda know what im doing
-ill probably try at like 2am lol cause thats when ive been going to sleep lately
-ill count until my body is completley numb
-visualise my first day in my DR
-focus on my DR
-maybe throw in a few affirmations (usaully when i use affirmations my body wakes up again so i might not use them)
- and hopefully ill wake up in my DR

If your attempting to shift tonight just know you can do this we can both do this we literalyy have years to accomlish this skill dont give up

-best of luck to all and ill update in the morning 🐸🐸🐸

Lol yall are gonna hate me!
Anyway got heaps of symptoms saw so many flashing light, tingling at one point i was literally feeling me move and i felt like i wasnt in my room anymore

Then i fell asleep.....oops

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