-First encounter?

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When he leaves you due to his ego | Kim taehyung | prologue
Written by @//btsxffs on instagram.
This is an original story made by me if you saw any other writers write something like this then pls lmk!

Ice cold, that was what the weather this fine night was. The club was busier than how much it was during the weekdays. It was obviously because of how free people are during weekend.

I would've loved to spend the day in my house sleeping or watching movies but unfortunately I had to work. My day had been gloomy, waking up early, coming to work, cleaning up the club, then having my mid-day break but i couldn't rest i had to go get groceries because my fridge was practically empty.

Uhm, can't blame me because I barely ever eat at home. I'm either at work or university. I mainly focus on doing my classes during my mid-day break since my university offers online classes too. I couldn't be happier.

I do go to the university but rarely. 2 days a week is compulsory tho. I work full time for this club called "shining star". It was a well known club that ended up hiring me because of how social I can be with customers.

I have been working here for not too long now, maybe about 3-4 weeks. It was pretty hard to keep up with the work and studies at the same time the first two weeks since I wasn't used to it but I got the hang of it soon enough. It didn't take me long to become friends with at least one worker, shyme, she kindly had introduced me to her other friend, jinmie, who doesn't work here but comes very often to keep her friend company and sometimes end up helping us during weekends.

Life at the club wasn't easy but I enjoyed being there. It was a whole new world. No worries, no tension. I was glad I started working here. There's high security so not too many creeps can get in even tho some people did.

Today, I had to wake up extra early in order to help clean the club earlier than usual since some special person was coming it seemed. I was confused at first but went along with it, I mean it's my job after all.

I walked into the brightly lit club which will be dim as night falls. I started with polishing the tables and placing the chairs down. Soon co-workers joined and started working as well.

There weren't as many customers during the day as compared to the night. Well obviously. I mean who drinks in the day?

I was occupied with my thoughts while continuing to work when I heard a bell ringing indicating that someone has arrived through the front door of the club which is now spotless.

I turned around to be met with a tall muscular man wearing glasses with a smile, his dimples appearing on his cheeks making him look very cute. I bowed down along with all the other co-workers. Some of them greeted him as he greeted back with his smile still on his face.

I was confused as to why everyone was suddenly so attentive when or boss came rushing from the direction of his office. "Omg hello sir, I wasn't expecting you to come so early but I'm glad you found time to come early" He greeted the man.

Our boss looked up to us while opening his mouth to announce something, "May I have you attention everyone" he spoke out waiting for us to leave everything we were doing to look at him "Thank you for sparing me a minute, This is the owner of this club, he has come today to see how to business is going and some other business" He finally finished his announcement.

The man, the so called owner of the club, whom I am seeing for the first while working here for almost a month now. "Hello everyone, as you've heard just now, I am the owner of this club. My name is Kim Namjoon. I am very happy to finally meet all the new co-workers who have joined within the time I was absent."

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