getting a tatoo

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Eren: pretending he isn't scared

Armin: doesn't get one because he's scared of pain

Mikasa: immune to pain

Jean: also pretending he isn't scared

Marco: helping Jean by giving him an inspiring speech

Historia: *breathing excersises*

Ymir: *getting a tatoo on her a$$*

Connie: also doesn't get one but watches sasha screeching

Sasha: getting a potato tatoo and screeching in pain

Mike: not affected by the pain

Erwin: also immune to pain

Levi: also immune to pain

Moblit: watching Hanji so she doesn't do anything stupid

Hanji: "can I try?!" *grabs the tatoo needle and starts doing it herself*

Pixis: *passed out from too much alcohol*

Nile: *extreme shaking* getting a face tatoo

Hannes: *intense screaching*

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