District 2

19 3 4

"Our nation would be nothing without district 2's superb stonework. It builds and fortifies our cities and it's citizens are known individually for their strength."(masonry)

Two tributes one winner. We're here live at the scene of the reaping, with our celebrity star Katniss jr. Evergreen, the daughter, after, daughter. Until today former tribute Katniss ever den wanted her legacy to go on forever, so in ok I'll tell you that later.

Katniss jr. Stood on the stage, and without saying a word picked two one from the girls jar, and one from the boys. ( these people actually had the decency to make mason jars, for the reaping.) While smacking gum she-

"Chandler and Sophia" (this girl is worst than when I watched districts one's reaping.)

They slowly walked up on stage.

" hurry it up. I don't have all day you brats."

Katniss everdeen who ever this evergreen person is must have gave her this diva attitude!)

"Our tributes!"

They stand there smir-

"Get on the train you beep now before I lose my temper."

If you didn't lose your temper yet I would hate to know what losing you temper looks like.

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