- 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 -

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You had finally started to regain you conciseness. You had gained a few injuries due to the incident a few bruises on your arms and legs from falling into the table and over the rock and a slight cut under your eye. Slowly opening your eyes and rising your body up off of the ground, looking around to see you were now at the side of the Beker's house. You hadn't realised you ran this far out but then again you were to focused on not trying to lose your life. You looked straight in front of you to see Dewey. Dewey ,also known better as Deputy Dwight Riley, was Tatum Riley's older brother. Dewey had become like an older brother to you as well he always felt the need to protect you no matter the costs.

"D-Dewey" you breathed out.

"Its okay. Your safe now y/n" Dewey said softly.

That's when you realised something....

"Where's Casey" The last time you saw well heard Casey was before you blacked out. Dewey opened his mouth to say something but before he could you let out a gut churning scream. Leaning slightly to one side so you could look past Dewey you stared at the fully blossomed tree that now had your best friend handing from. You felt numb, the only thing you could feel were the tears gushing from your eyes like a waterfall. Dewey instantly pulled you into a bone crushing hug. You had so many thoughts racing through your head at that moment. why would someone want to harm Casey like that. why not kill you as well, why leave you.


It was now two days later. You were currently sat in Dewey's car with Tatum outside school.

"I still cant believe you decided to come to school today" Tatum said. Honestly you had no idea why you were at school, I mean who in the right mind would go to school after they got attacked and their best friend got murdered. You didn't even bother replying you just sat there messing with the hem of your skirt

Dewey could see you discomfort. "You will be okay y/n I promise. Now come on lets get going shall we."

You slowly got out of the car, grabbing your backpack slinging it over your shoulders and clutching onto the straps as you walked towards the school, your head down. The school was swarming with news reporters. They were shouting thing such as "y/n over here" or "y/n how does it feel to almost be murdered" how were you supposed to reply... oh it feels amazing so exhilarating.

You had finally made it through the swarm of reporters and had made it just outside of the school building.

"Unfortunately this is where I say good bye." Dewey said. "Got to go help Principal Himbry interrogate some students"

"Interrogate" You squeaked. Luckily you didn't have to be 'interrogated' as all your questions took place on saturday

Dewey was going to say something but decided against it. He wanted you to fell as calm as possible. He turned his attention toward his younger sister. "Tatum will give you my on duty number if you need anything alright." You simply nodded you head, while Tatum rolled her eyes slightly. You said your good byes and with that Dewey tipped his hat and wondered off

Tatum grabbed her time table from her pocket checking to see what lesson she had "What lesson do you have?"

"English" You and Tatum said your goodbyes and you made you way to your class. Upon entering the room you looked around in hopes to see Casey already sat down in her seat pulling out her equipment from her bad, forgetting she was now sadly gone. "Oh yeah" you mumbled.


You were currently sat outside by the water fountain with your friends. Sidney was sat crossed legged with Billy behind her and Tatum was handing off of Stu. You on the other hand were sat in the middle of the group playing with your fingers listening to your friend conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 - 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞Where stories live. Discover now