Chapter 19

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I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for Miss Daisy to come and wake me up.
My mind kept on returning to everything that happened the night before. To the way Archer pulled me so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath. The sensation of his touch on my skin and lower back. So gentle but firm at the same time. The way his cologne made me feel light headed by desire.
I know it was all just an act but I didn't want it to end.
I wanted more. 
Then I think back to how easily I could play the role of someone else. Although I didn't really feel like I was acting as someone else but rather embracing something I never knew I had. Boys never flirted with me at school so I never had practice at flirting back, so were did it all come from?
The bedroom door opened and Miss Daisy strode in and went straight towards the curtains. She flung them open and turned towards me.
"Get -", she paused," Oh. Nice to see you are awake for once. Wouldn't want to throw another bucket of ice water over you". I just smiled and got out of bed so that Miss Daisy could dress me.
She didn't say anything further. No complaints or insults. She just dressed me in silence.
"You're pretty quite today?", I asked when she was pleating my hair.
"Rumors have it you and Archer were pretty close last night". She gave me a quick glance.
"We were, but it was only an act. We were just playing the role to get the mission done".
"Ah ha".  
"You don't believe it?"
She sighed. "I believe that you should be careful that's all. I've been in this house long enough to know how Archer truly is. A lot say he is more like his mother, but there are a few things he inherited from his father as well".
"Like what?".
     She looked me straight in the eyes, "Let's just say there are a few things that he still needs to learn. His mother learned that the hard way about his father".
"But I thought they were so happy?".
"Oh no they were. They were madly in love, but that's the problem with love that deep. It's usually that love that can hurt you the most". She finished the pleat and placed it neatly on my shoulder. "All I'm saying is, remember that girl I told you about in the story. Use your head not only your heart". She raised her eyebrows at me then turned and left.
When I entered the dining room I stopped dead in my tracts as everyone suddenly looked at me. They turned towards Archer who was sitting in his normal position reading the newspapers. They all then continued eaten in silence but after a few seconds they started whispering among each other.
"Good morning", I said to everyone when I sat down.
"Good morning to you too" said both Ainar and Selene in an overly friendly way.
"That wasn't strange at all. Why is everyone acting so weird?".
"Weird? You're weird", said Selene and shrugged her shoulders. I just glared at her in disbelief.
"Quinn please past the sugar", asked Archer from behind the newspaper. I grabbed the sugar and turned to him but dropped it as soon as I stared into his face. His maskless face.
Good Mandra! He makes Ainar look like a donkey next to a stallion.
As if I'm only seeing his face for the first time ever, my mouth felt suddenly very dry. His jawline was strong and his lips were full and tempting. He had small little scares scattered all over his face, giving him a charming rugged look. And his golden and hazelnut eyes where even more striking than ever before. He is gorgeous beyond words.
I noticed that all I was doing was staring at him with my hand still halfway in the air.
"Fuck", I said and started to scrape the sugar back into the ball.
"Quinn!?", said Alex and glanced at Luca.
"Sorry Luca, don't ever swear", I put the lid back onto the sugar pot with shaky hands.
"Something wrong?", asked Archer in a serious face.
"No", I said and shook my head,"Nothings wrong", and smiled at him. His face turned from being serious to being slightly amused.
"Guess we can call you Finely from now on again?", said Ainar as he stirred his tea.
"Finely?", I smiled at him with eyebrows raised. "As in Finely Lawdwin? The once famous 18 year old bachelor?".
He started to turn red, "Yes", he said and looked down.
"Weren't you like best friends with the Prince?"
"Don't lie Fin. You were always together. Went to every party, ball, club you name it, togther. You, Nick and Axel were almost inseparable. That was until Finely decided to up and leave them in the dust".
"Someone had to grow up", said Finely in a serious voice.
    "Yes, Axel Lockwood. The fourth in line to the Wizard throne. Rumors have it Axel took a girl Finely had his eye on".
"Oh please, do you always believe simple rumors?"
"Only when they involve Axel Lockwood. That man is dangerous. He might even be more ruthless than the Prince".
"He's hot though", said Selene while chewing, "But wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole".
I watched her as she poured orange juice into her class.
"So does this mean I can finally know what your great plan is?".
Archer glanced at Selene and Ainar, "We can meet in the library after breakfast, we don't discuss business at this table".
"Can we join?", asked Alex.
"Alex I don't-"
"Yes you can. I feel like I should give you too better jobs". I gave him a dangerous glare.
"Relax, it won't be anything that can hurt them. But I need them to be in the meeting so that they can know what's going on".
I guess he's right. It might make Alex act out even more if he doesn't know.
"Fine", I said and staked my plate with bacon.
I stared at Finely trying to piece everything he just said together, "Okay, uhm, what the actual fuck?"
"Quinn", said Alex.
"Sorry Luca", I said but kept on looking at Finely.
"You want to use me as a spy in the castle? The place that literally has the most powerful and ruthless man in the whole of Maridia living in it? And in order to do that I need to marry the Prince?"
"Is he being serious?", I asked Selene.
"I told you she's not going to like the plan", said Ainar who was staring out of the window.
"You wouldn't actually go through with the wedding. On that day we can fake your death".
"So what? I'm suppose to live in hiding forever after it?".
"Not forever. Just until the King is dethroned or killed".
Is he kidding? This is his great plan?
"You say that as if you actually think it's that easy".
"Quinn, he is planning something. I don't know what I just know it will be the end of all kingdoms. If we get you into the castle you'll be able to help us figure out his plans. With that information we can go to the other Kingdoms who are tired of his rule and take him down before it's to late".
"You are talking about treason! And not to even mention wanting to use me as a prostitute for the Prince? When you told me that you have this great plan for me, I taught it will be to take down some big rich bastard that's like getting away with murder or something. Not this
"You won't actually have to have sleep with him. Just tell him your celibate. Or come up with some excuse. And technically we are still taking down some big rich bastard. Just the biggest and richest bastard in all of the Fey Kingdom".
I rubbed my eyes while processing what he just told me, "What makes you think the Prince wouldn't force himself onto me?"
"He might have a reputation and he's the sun of that devil but he will never rape a woman". Something in Finely's eyes changed. His face was relaxed but his eyes suggested otherwise.
"All though I do hate him, I agree with Finely. Nick might be a womanizer but he will not force himself on you. His mother made sure of that", said Ainar and joined us in the seating area. "And you won't be our only spy in the castle", said Finely, "we have other people there to but none of them can get close enough to retrieve the information we need. So if things does go wrong or you are in serious danger and can't save yourself there will be people to help you".
"And who are these people exactly?"
"I can't say, it has to be a secrete for their safety".
"Of course more secrets. Just when I thought we were done with them".
"Just think about it Quinn".
"Are you kidding me!", I got up angrily. I then looked at Selene, "And you think this is a good idea?". Selene just shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know Quinn. I also told him this is a stupid idea, but the King needs to be stopped at the same time and we can't think of another way of getting more confidential information".
"When you get engaged the king or queen can then give you the approval to attend certain important meetings", said Alex.
"Now you think this is a great idea too? What do you think will happen to you when I get caught and they execute me?".
"Then we just make sure you don't get caught", said Luca.
"I can't believe both of you think that this is okay?"
"Mom and Dad stood up against the King but they failed. We actually have a chance this time", said Alex.
"No?" Finely said confused
"I will not take part in this and sell myself like that". I pushed out my chair angrily, making it fall over, stormed towards the door.
Fuck him and that God chiseled face of his.
I went straight to the boys bedroom, flung opened the door, grabbed a bag and packed whatever I knew was theirs.
"What are you doing?", ask Finely as he followed me.
"Packing". Luca and Alex then entered the room and I handed them their bags.
"Quinn", said Alex.
"No Alex!", I said and gave him a look that said say one more word I dare you.
"You're over acting little girl" Finely said and crossed his arms.
"Thank you Lord Lawdwin for letting us stay in your lovely home", I said in my High Fey accent, "But unfortunately I think we over stayed our welcome", I then brushed passed him, heading for my room, "Oh and don't worry. Your little secret is safe with me". I grabbed my bag and started packing. "Quinn you don't have to leave".
"No, that wasn't the deal. You said we can only stay here if I help you with your plan but since I can't hold up my end of the deal, we must leave".
"Quinn", he tried to touch me, but I ripped away, then continued packing, "Quinn listen to me", this time he grabbed my shoulders and turn me around, "Where are you going to go".
"I have a place", which I didn't.
"You're lying. Just because you don't want to take part in my plan doesn't mean you have to leave. You can still help me on other missions, we'll just come up with a different way to infiltrate the castle". I stared hard at him, tears threatening to stream down my face.
"Think about it. There's no where else for you to go. Think about your brothers. They are safe here". I looked over his shoulder to see Luca and Alex standing in the door way. Each carrying a suitcase. Luca was crying while Alex was holding his hand and just stared at me.
He's right.
The boys won't be safe anywhere else.
"You promise I wouldn't have to be part of your plan in order to continue staying here?"
"I promise", his grip relaxed on my shoulders and his eyes softened. I swallowed hard and looked at the ground.
"Okay then" and flipped opened my suitcase.
"Okay then", he let go of my shoulders then looked at the people behind him now crowding at the door to see what all the commotion was about.  He then turned back to me, "I think that's enough excitement for the day. I'm canceling training today. You are free to do whatever you want today".
I nodded but still stared at him coldly. How dare he wanted to use me like that.
He nodded then turned towards the boys, "I'm canceling your lesson for the day too. Think it's time you take a break". He smiled at me then left. The others followed slowly.
"Come let's help you unpack", said Miss Daisy to the boys. She turned to me and tapped a finger on her head, before closing my bed room door.
I flopped on the bed and screamed into my pillow.

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