Chap 8. Unsend

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recap!! you got nicks phone number, and you, Florence, and Lara, all went out in the town for a girls night. 

I smiled as Florence as she teased me, continuing my conversation with Nick as we walked back to the car. I shut off my phone, throwing it in the small cup-holder next to my seat. Checking my hair in the review mirror, as I reached my hand back for my seat-belt. The two other girls had taken one car, so they went home in that one. I clamp my seatbelt into the small clip, and turn my keys. Before I put my car into reverse, I hear my phone ding, and go to put it on do not disturb. As I lift my phone up-right, the screen turns on, and I read the notification. 


sapnapinsta swiped up on your story:

u look pretty :)

My hand went straight over my mouth. I started smiling so hard. I went to click on the notification before my smile rapidly disappeared, my hand lowering to hover over my heart.


sapnapinsta: This message is no longer available because it was unsent by the sender.

So many things started racing through my head. Why did he unsend it? Did he change his mind? Did he get scared? Did he send it to the wrong person? Was it a joke? Did he mean to un-send it? I picked at my fingers while I thought of what just happened. I heard a honk, and almost jumped out of my skin. It was Lara, leaning over Florence, honking at me. I could tell they were both laughing, I giggled too, starting up my car. I shut my phone off completely, trying to forget about it, but I couldn't. At every stop light I just replayed it in my head. I turn up the radio, the worst possible song playing.

'how to save a life' by The Fray.

[u can listen to it while reading if u would like:)]

Humming along, I drove. It started to rain a bit, but I didn't think it would get too bad. After sitting at a red light for what felt like forever, the rain really started to pick up, I could hear it pounding on the roof of my car. I loved the sound, though. 

'where did I go wrong, I lost a friend'

I sang along to the lyrics, turning it up. I tapped my fingers, gently, on the steering wheel to the tune. Pulling into my apartment complex, I turn the music down, eventually parking, and unbuckling my seatbelt. 

'ughhhhh' I exclaimed, remembering my PC was in my trunk. how could I get it inside with the rain? I decided I'd just grab it later. I didn't have a hood on, so I just ran inside, my hands covering my head. I run inside, slipping my soaking wet shoes off. Leaving them sitting by the door, to dry off. They were old jacked up black converse, I basically wore them everyday. I jumped on my bed, laying, staring at my ceiling. I closed my door, turning my lights to blue. The only natural light in my room was coming from the moon, pushing through the windows. I put in my air-pods, and turn on some music. I lay back on my bed, reflecting on the day.  I get up, and tidy my room a bit, I had been spending most of my time in the studio, so there wasn't much of a mess. After listening to music for a bit, I was just scrolling through my phone. I start thinking about what Nick had DM'd me earlier about. I had an idea. I could never do it though.. right? I mean, I have his number, I could facetime him... no, I can't do that. I mean, why not, though, right? After working up the courage to do so, I put on a sweatshirt, and sat at my desk, I propped up the phone to angle to the ceiling, if he did pick up, I would show my face but, I was really nervous. I opened the FaceTime app, clicking on his contact. I clicked the video button, by the second ring I saw my face in my phone. I clicked the hang up button. What was I thinking!? I decide to text him.


hii! sorry, i meant to ca

I was going to lie and tell him I meant to call someone else, when my typing was interrupted by my face popping up on my screen once again. My eyes trail up to the top of my screen.

'nick(: would like to facetime'

My stomach dropped. You know that feeling? Like when your going down on a rollercoaster, and you feel like your either going to throw up, but your also just so full of adrenaline? Yeah, it felt like that. My hand hovered over the hang-up button.



hehehehehheheh cliff hanger

do u answer? or do u get too nervous and hang up? idkkk!



-Love, Moss<3.

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