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hi! haha sorry for no updates, i've been really burnt out x

but holy shit the manga i- i'm scared for the ending :')

but we move, and enjoy some zodiacs xx


Signs as Levi Squad

Aries - Eld Jinn

Taurus - Oluo Bozard

Gemini - Petra Ral

Cancer - Gunther Schultz

Leo - Levi Ackerman

Virgo - Oluo Bozard

Libra - Gunther Schultz

Scorpio - Petra Ral

Sagittarius - Eld Jinn

Capricorn - Petra Ral

Aquarius - Oluo Bozard

Pisces - Levi Ackerman

Attack On Titan ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora