Marriage for Love

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The entrance to the ceremony is grand and big, fitting the status of the princess, but the decorations are minimalistic. The guests aren't limited to noblemen but include commoners as well. The union between the famed rebel leader, Dawn, and the kingdom's beloved Princess Antinea shocked the people.

People had heard of the rebels who had plans to kidnap the Princess. But the moment news broke of a marriage between the two, people rejoiced. The conflict was over and there would be a celebration!


Antinea knew that she didn't want to disappoint her people. She reached up to fidget with her hair but stopped herself. Today would be special.

The alabaster gown's ribbonlike straps rested on her shoulders, covered by a floral capelet. It culminated in a full skirt, encrusted with sparkles glinting like stars in the afternoon sunlight. Her sheer flowered veil fell past her shoulders and pooled at her bare feet, barely dimming the ethereal glow of her flaxen hair.

She didn't want to look at the mirror just yet, which the maids had thrown a cover on. They had said numerous times how gorgeous she was in the wedding gown, which provided some reassurance as she gave them a grateful smile. She desperately wished that Dawn was there to soothe her worries, but Antinea was too superstitious to allow it. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she squeezed her own hand nervously.

The maids soon left after they performed the finishing touches on the entire ensemble and took off the cover. Antinea took a deep breath and after a moment's hesitation, she let her eyes wander up to her reflection. She gasped in awe. Had she not known it was her standing in front of the mirror, she wouldn't have recognized herself. Heart racing, she turned around to admire the faintly pink plum blossoms embroidered on her train. I can't believe this isn't a dream.

Ever since her cousin's marriage, Antinea had dreamt of her wedding day. Every detail was still vivid in her memory: the glow of sunlight that illuminated them, the way they sweetly met in a kiss, everything. Her cousin had married for love, but until she met Dawn, Antinea had accepted her marriage's fate as an opportunity for the royal family.

Admittedly, Dawn did try to overthrow her family, but it was only fuelled by a personal grudge against her father. The first time they met, Antinea couldn't even look Dawn in the eye; her beauty was too overwhelming. Unbeknownst to others, Dawn had a kinder side, one that softened with love whenever she tipped Antinea's face up to meet her own. Dawn's tender brown eyes always met her own azure ones, almost as though she were silently saying "I love you".

The ex-rebel leader and the princess soon started to spend a lot of time together. Both of them enjoyed each other's company a lot as they strolled through gardens. They both tried to devote as much time together because they were both busy, Dawn was even training to become a scholar.

One day, they confessed that they loved each other which brought smiles to their faces.

Antinea smiled gently at the memories, knowing they would spend many years together. It was almost time for her to walk down the aisle, where her counterpart awaited.


On the other side of the castle, the other bride was getting ready for the ceremony. Dawn was dressed up in a white jumpsuit with a long white satin coat. The coat was cinched at the waist with a belt to create the silhouette of a wedding gown. She had tan slippers on her feet to give off the impression of bare footedness. Her brown hair was in a low ponytail and a flower crown that had intertwining plum blossom branches was atop her head.

She couldn't tell if her body was pumping with adrenaline or if she was high on nerves, but she felt calm internally. She knew she wasn't as nervous as Antinea and wasn't as emotional as her Princess.

Dawn never thought about being married at all, one of the reasons was because she didn't like men. Dawn's life was only filled with thoughts of making it to the next day. She thought she would be alone until the end of her days and she was fine with that. That was until she met Antinea whose presence lit up the room, such a presence befitted royalty. Her smile lit a spark in Dawn's heart and she wanted to make the Princess smile every day.

The thought of being in a dress didn't have the same appeal to Dawn as it did for others. Antinea had an idea in which Dawn would dress in a long coat to have some resemblance of a dress. She smoothed her hands down the jacket, inspecting for a potential flaw. Dawn had never thought she would have these expensive items right in her closet and never even had the thought she would get to enjoy them.

A gentle smile crept to her face at the idea of seeing Antinea in her wedding dress.


As Dawn stood in position, the music started to slowly play and guests started to stand as the doors opened. The room seemed to glow a bit brighter as Antinea walked through those doors. Her elegant figure seemed to glide across the aisle, the princess looked up to see Dawn awaiting her.

Antinea soon reached the end and they held hands with bright smiles on their faces. The guests sat back down, as the priest cleared his throat.

"Today we celebrate the reunion between Princess Antinea and Scholar-In-Training Dawn," said the priest. He then gestured to the ring-bearer who has brought the cushion that holds the interwoven metal rings that symbolize the connection between them. Antinea and Dawn grabbed the other's ring, as it was tradition to have the couple put the rings on their partner's finger.

"With this ring-" Dawn is the first one to put the ring on Antinea's finger. "-I will hold you dear for life."

Then it was Antinea's turn to put Dawn's ring on her finger.

"Do you, Princess Antinea, take Scholar-In-Training Dawn to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked the priest.

"I do." Antinea smiled.

Then the priest turned to Dawn. "Do you, Scholar-In-Training Dawn, take Princess Antinea to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Dawn's eyes lit up brightly.

"I now declare this couple wife and wife!" The guests cheered as Dawn dipped Antinea into a kiss. writing your story


Hey guys!! 

It has been a while since I have written anything on this account, but I'm slowly coming back (maybe??). So please do vote and comment!

I have a few things in store, so get ready for those. 

Hope you guys are doing well. Goodbye!! 

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