authors note / atsp note

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Hi!! Thank you for clicking on this and deciding to read, just a few things before we get started. Please be sure to read this and don't skip over it.

AWSTEN AND TRAVIS' SLUMER PARTY NOTE: You guys can just read the prologue, the entire thing probably will not be done if you end up reading this and it will get into heavier themes listeners may not like!

DISCLAIMER: Discussions and themes in this book are not accurate to Ody and I's actual thoughts and feelings towards Travis, Waterparks, and others mentioned in the fan fiction. We made this for fun, and intended it to just be a funny joke fic, but it ended up becoming what it is now. Please don't send us hate because of what we wrote. Thanks!

If things ever need a trigger warning - please let me know.

Thank you, and enjoy "Only One"


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