imposter inc

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imposter inc.. It's a company that's suing Aitch, a well-known UK rapper. I don't know if you've heard, but Aitch is an impostor.

If we don't get the word out as soon as possible, our entire generation will be gone by 2024, so please help spread the word.

This is where the true impostor game starts.

If you die, you lose, and I don't want to die young by a crappy uk impostor rapper, which is why you're all here today to learn about Impostor Inc. We are based, in the Swiss country of Switzerland.

The problem is that aicth is a fraud.

Rain is a great example of how he is brainwashing us, as his first (and hopefully last) attack will be acid rain. His lyrics "Right wrist and left wrist, that's rain" can mean a lot of things, but here at Impostor inc we have discovered that he means everytime he flicks his wrist more people die.

"After '08, it's been get money season," he said, suggesting that he had been preparing this since 2008 and that none of us were aware of it.

We've sent out several test subjects so far in the hopes of deciding that aitch is the impostor and that we need to stop him.

By 2024, our entire generation will be gone, and I've gathered you all here for anyone interested in joining our group.

All you have to do is add my snapchat and send me your age, height, and weight, because if you're fat, you can't join, and if you're American, you can't either, because all you do is sit around eating mac and cheese and watching soccer while there's a whole ass acid rain war going on.

Please answer as soon as possible.

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