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I haven't eaten or peed in a long time, and my body no longer produces spit; it all just evaporates.

I'm so tired of this; I can't escape among us; I don't know what to do.

Please guys, everyone calls me crazy, but all I want to do is get away from impostor; I feel like I'm just in a constant loop of among us; round after round, kill after kill, impostor after impostor.

I tried to fit through the garbage disposal but was too fat, so I lost 40 pounds and will try again tomorrow; I think I'll be able to make it, but what's beyond the disposal?

Is it true that it's a shredder?

Is it space, or is it time?

or will I survive and be able to eventually break free from this never-ending cycle of being among us?

mahbe i shojld test it first guys please i'm so emotional i cant type properly i cant see theu the tears this got me so sad, i've been here so long soon my burner phoje will be out of charge this might be my last signal so if i don't reply in the next 3 days so if i domt reply i might be dead.

So, in case I don't get the chance to say it again, I'm saying my final goodbye.

Thank you to all who has attempted to assist me; I am grateful to each and every one of you, and I am relieved that I will be able to break free from this bind.

All of this is too much for me.

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore because there's another dead body around the corner, another sus impostor.

What if I'm the true impostor? That's why I'm stuck in this loop, and why I'm cursed because all I do is murder people? Maybe when I sleep, I go for a walk and kill everyone, which is why each time I wake up, a new round starts?

Is this true, guys?

Is this something that could happen? Is this why, since I'm an impostor, I can't get away?

Without the impostor, the game would be impossible to play... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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