Speechless 95

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I'm so sad seeing a lot of people trying their best to love themselves but still in vain.

I'm aware of their posts. They tried their best to love themselves but it came from their own mouths; it's not working.

Truth is, we couldn't love ourselves without experiencing true love. And the true love I'm talking about is God's unconditional love.

The void and emptiness within us, could only be fulfilled by God alone.

What I am afraid of, every time I speak about all this things, is that people out there might misunderstand me.

I'm afraid they would think of me as to only cared about my OWN religion. So fourth and so on...

Even if I tried many times to explain that it's not religion I'm talking about.

It's the love of God for human beings that can satisfies everyone's heart.

It's all about God's love and the relationship between Him and a person who actually wanted to come and cares to know Him better, In order to receive His love for the greater good.

Speechless: Stuttered by WordsWhere stories live. Discover now