First Kiss

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He kissed me...this was my first kiss ever since-

I tried not to give in, but I couldn't control myself. I kissed him back gently, then I pulled away and looked at him in the eyes

"Wha..what was that for?" I asked, completely red, "You don't seem to notice do you?" Omi-kun looked away

"Woah woah woah wait..." My mind keeps telling me if he likes me or not, or this is just a prank or one of his teasings. It's better to ask first than assume, " you like me Omi-kun?" I finally asked

Omi-kun stared at me, "Is it not that obvious?" He paused and I was completely frozen. Omi-kun chuckled slightly and smiled, "You better get some sleep Atsumu, it's late" He said as he turned off the TV

So he does like me...I guess....I mean who kisses someone if they don't like them...

I cut off my thoughts and cleared my mind, "Huh?..Oh yeah" I got up and slowly walked towards the guest room, I stopped my tracks. I turned back ask Omi-kun if I could sleep here with him and he nodded his head

Actually I'm not really going to sleep with him because I'll be sleeping on the floor and Omi-kun on the couch


Plan ruined..Omi-kun decided he should sleep on the floor, "I told you, I want to sleep down there" I stared at him, "Neh, I want it here, just sleep there, sleeping here will make your back hurt" He placed one arm behind his head and closed his eyes

"The same thing that will happen to you!" I slightly yelled but he didn't move or even opened his eyes

End of Atsumu's P.O.V

Atsumu sighed and layed down on the couch, "Third Chance Omi-kun" Atsumu spoke while staring at the ceiling. Sakusa froze and thought twice before deciding

"Ok fine" Sakusa got up and looked away flustered, "See I told you" Atsumu rolled and let his body fall down on the mat on the floor, "I know you can't handle sleeping here" Atsumu chuckled, "Because I haven't dusted the bottom part of the TV rack yet" He said as he fixed the pillow and the mat

Sakusa felt pissed of himself cause he chose to floor even if he wouldn't like the dusty Tv rack beside him. The black-haired boy then layed down on the couch and tucked in the blanket

"You sure you ok there?" Sakusa asked the blond setter, "Don't mind, I like sleeping in the floor" Atsumu waved his hand as a sign of ok

Sakusa nodded and slowly closed his eyes, few seconds later Atsumu began to speak

"Hey Omi-kun"


"I wonder why you would pick sleeping here"

"Here in your house or there? " Sakusa asked, eyes still closed, his question made Atsumu laughed a bit, "Of course here where I am right now" Sakusa opened his eyes slowly and turned to side to watch the setter staring at him

"I don't know, I guess I want you to sleep comfortably?" Sakusa said in a confused tone, Atsumu's cheeks tinted after hearing Sakusa's words, "Really?...That's sweet" He laughed, Atsumu shifted his gaze on the ceiling and sighed, "Never thought someone would like this carefree person again..." Atsumu smiled to himself

Sakusa watched him, thinking what Atsumu meant about the word 'again'

Atsumu looked at Sakusa, "Aight, good night Omi-kun" Atsumu fell asleep after saying good night, "Mhm good night Miya" Sakusa fell asleep as well


Next day

It's 6:30 in the morning and everyone is still asleep, Osamu got up first and went outside his room, while walking towards the kitchen, he took a glance at his fully asleep brother drooling on his pillow

Osamu shrugged it off and continued walking towards the kitchen. After taking a glass of water he walked towards his brother, "Hey Tsumu wake up" He poked Atsumu's cheek many times until Atsumu woke up. Osamu stared at the half asleep Atsumu, "What time is it?" Atsumu yawned and groaned while stretching his body, "I think it's around six, but get up there and check Kita-san" Osamu stood up and walked back to his room to wake up Suna

Hearing Kita's name made him stood up quickly and went to the sink to wash his face, "I almost forgot dang it!" Atsumu wipes his face

"What's so loud early in morning? "

"Oi..I want to sleep more"

Atsumu turned around and saw the girls rubbing there eyes as they walked out the guest room, "Oh girls, your up early" He run his fingers on his half wet hair

"Your loud battle cries are so loud" Suna's sister sarcastically said as she yawned, "Haha very funny" Atsumu rolled his eyes and snickered. While pouring milk on his glass , Atsumu listened to the girls conversation

"So what time did you wake up earlier Zuki?"

"3am, you?"

" any tea?"

"Ahh yes, when I woke up, I saw Omi-san sleeping with Chumu on the floor"

"Dude! When I woke up I also saw Omi-san hugging Nii-kun"


"Yes child..and I believe Omi-san went back on the couch cause it will be suspicious when it's morning"

"Yeah..Omi-san is so sweet to Chumu"

Atsumu almost choked on his milk after hearing the girls, he turned around to them and placed the glass on the table

"What? What are you talking about?"



have been risen up from the dead after a month of not posting this next chapter
( ;∀;)
I am very sorry about that:'<

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