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"JoJo, want to go out and play kickball?"

Jotaro lifted his head sheepishly, moving his attention from his carefully packed bento box to his friend sitting at the desk beside his own. "Ah, umm, I'm kind of tired today," he replied with a watery smile. "You can go out and play with the others if you want, though."

"Oh, that's fine! I'll keep you company, then," Kakyoin offered, quickly taking a chair from the desk in front of Jotaro's and turning it around so he could sit and talk face to face.

Jotaro closed his eyes for a moment as Kakyoin searched through his bag, probably looking for a box of cherry bonbons his mother had gotten him and he had been excited to share them. For a moment, he felt a bit better, although his headache quickly returned as he opened his eyes and was exposed to the sunlight coming through the large classroom windows. The end of the day was nearing though, so he decided he could pull through until then.


"Hmm, it's kinda cool outside today. Usually I get tired when I walk back from school, but the breeze is really refreshing," Kakyoin mused, bouncing his backpack playfully as he walked beside the other.

"Mhm," Jotaro hummed in reply, twisting his arm backwards to fish his house key out of his backpack as he watched his house come more into view.

Once the two arrived to his house and Jotaro unlocked the door, the two stepped inside after removing their shoes. Briefly, Kakyoin looked around, seeming like he was looking for something.

"Is Ms. Holly not here?"

Of course, Holly always made it a point to greet Jotaro and any friend he brought home that day from school, along with having a hot meal ready for them.

"It's alright, I've been home alone before. Do you want me to get you anything to eat?" Jotaro offered, his eyes drifting around the room tiredly.

"Oh, I think I'm good actually, thanks. I was hoping we could play around in the backyard for a bit, I've been wanting to see the pond fish again too."

"Ah, yeah, that'll be fine. Let me just get my..." he trailed off, his headache quickly turning into severe nausea as he tentatively brought his hand to his mouth.

"Jotaro, are you—" Kakyoin started, watching as his friend gagged and coughed into his hand, liquid splattering onto the wooden flooring.

Once Kakyoin had helped Jotaro back to his room, he laid out the futon and pulled back the covers as Jotaro crawled beneath them, shivering momentarily as he felt the weight of the blanket cover him. A few minutes later, he felt the cool touch of a rag on his forehead as he watched Kakyoin moving around above him, his eyebrows knitted in worry.

"Jotaro, are you sure we can't call your mom? I wouldn't want to worry her but..." Kakyoin considered, watching as Jotaro's eyes began to slowly blink into closing completely. "I mean, don't you guys have a phone somewhere?"

In the moment Kakyoin turned away, much to his surprise, Jotaro moved his head into his lap where he was kneeling beside him. "Jo-Jotaro, I'm not your mother," Kakyoin said out of embarrassment, only to question his choice of words the moment they left his mouth. "Lie back down, that fever doesn't look good."

"It's okay, mom trusted me," he assured him as he brought both his hands to rest under his chin, almost reminding Kakyoin of an especially young child. "And now Noriaki is here, he'll take care of me, is what I would tell her," he continued, his voice softening as he drifted off to sleep.

For a moment Kakyoin felt that all he could do was sit there and pet his hair, almost as if he were a small lap animal. The whole situation was strange. No, it was that Jotaro Kujo was just so bizarre. As much as he valued their friendship, strange things always happened when they were together. He began to wonder where such a friendship would end up, if it even managed to last long enough to continue on into the far future.


"Keep doing it," Jotaro demanded in a sheepish voice, moving Kakyoin's hand in a petting motion once again.

"You're so ridiculous, like a big clingy dog," Kakyoin replied lightheartedly, ruffling his hair as he continued to look over the documents he was filling out for that night. They found it as good of an opportunity as any to use that time together, Jotaro ending up with his head in Kakyoin's lap to get his attention.

"Hmm, feels nostalgic though."

"Ah, did you do this with your mother when you were younger?" Kakyoin asked as he thought of what an affectionate person he had known Holly to be.

"Not really, I was always pretty standoffish with people in that aspect. Strange, now that I think of it..." came the reply, his eyes closed as he remembered his younger days.

"Ah, I see."

Kakyoin continued to pet Jotaro's hair with one hand and work on his documents with the other, hoping he would keep his eyes closed so as to not see the deep blush on his face.

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