Ferdinand's Birthday

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I was locked up in my room at the temple with no books to read and nothing to do except work. The orphanage director's chambers are big and comfortable but I was itching for a change of scenery- something different to do- something other than accounting and memorising prayers. Of course I knew that I was here for my own safety. The attack on my attendant's carriage during spring prayers; the Ink Guild Master's assassination; and the fact someone entered Kerstedt's room looking for me --- all prove that I am in significant danger. I constantly feel anxious and lonely, but there is nothing I can do. I just want to go home. I want to see Tulli, my dad and my mother who is going to give birth any time soon.

Speaking of births- I wonder if they celebrate birthdays here. Commoners certainly don't, or at least we haven't celebrated mine or Tulli's. Maybe I missed out because of my sickness like I did the Starbind festival? Commoners don't even have calendars, so I think they just keep track of the seasons and years for baptisms and coming of age festivals.

I sat staring into space, thinking about this, when Fran interrupted me.

"If you are done with Main Workshop business, perhaps you could go and help the High Priest"

"Thank you for reminding me Fran." I said. At least I'd get to stretch my legs a bit on the walk down the hall. Demuel, Fran and Delia accompanied me to the High Priest's chambers. Once I got there I greeted the High priest and got to work but it must've been quite obvious that I was distracted because pretty soon the High Priest said "Lets have a discussion in the hidden room" I agreed over eagerly before he even finished talking. This earned me some raised eyebrows. I didn't want to discuss babies and birthdays in front of the grey priest for obvious reasons, but I was especially wary of Delia who as far as I knew was still reporting to the High Bishop.

Once inside, I sat on my usual bench and Ferdinand sat across from me on his usual chair- careful to move any magic documents out of my reach and close the jewel studded open book on his desk. Ferdinand looked at me expressionlessly. 

"What do you have to say?" This time I wasn't here to be chastised but rather to talk about my own thoughts freely- basically to vent without being judged by attendants or spied on. 

"Do people in this world celebrate birthdays?" I asked. Ferdinand widened his eyes in surprise "What a strange question" He fell into thought. 

"Nobles mark and remember their birthdays, but they aren't necessarily celebrated unless someone wants an excuse for a banquet. Pre-baptism noble children are usually gifted sweets on their birthdays by their parents but after that there are no set customs. I suppose each family has it's own traditions... does that answer your question"

"Yes, I think so" I replied. 

"Then when is your birthday High Priest?" Ferdinand Frowned. Is that rude to ask that? He studied my face for a while then his face softened and he replied 

"Incidentally, it's the day after tomorrow". 

"The day after tomorrow?!- why didn't you tell me sooner... This is Rosina's coming of age all over again" 

"An anniversary of birth isn't nearly as important as a coming of age" chided the High Priest. 

"Of course it is" I retorted "and you'll be turning twenty one as well- that's when a person truly becomes an adult" 

"How did you know my age?" asked the high priest raising an eyebrow. He'd completely missed the point.

Maybe I should bake a cake and decorate it with candles? Frida's monopoly on pound cake production must be expiring about now. Maybe I could find some flowers to decorate it too... but I'm not allowed to go outside. I could make icing but I'd need to mill icing sugar myself and I don't think I can make my cooks do that much work on such short notice. The concept of blowing out candles to make a wish would probably be strange to people in a world with actual magic anyway. So no birthday cake then...

After giving it some thought I decided that pushing my worlds Birthday traditions on Ferdinand wouldn't be fun for him. I can just imagine the horror and confusion if I draw the curtains in his room closed and came in carrying a cake stuffed full of burning candles while singing a strange, never before heard in this world, song. I have to think about what he would actually want. I could give him sheet music for "Happy Birthday" but the syllables don't translate well to this language and it's too simple for a Herspiel prodigy like him to find interesting. I could enlist Rosina to transcribe more anime songs but I don't really want to give him the same gift I gave someone else. How about some tea cookies? He seems to like them. They last long so they make a good gift, and as a sweet snack they can take the place of birthday cake. I'll use this opportunity to think about possible packaging, in case we decide to sell cookies at Benno's store too.

"Rosina, please ask Ella to make tea flavoured cookies the day after tomorrow, firt thing in the morning"

I decided to give him some paper too, since it's useful and I'd be buying it from myself anyway.

As for the card, I don't have coloured ink or paint so It'll have to be black and white. I considered letting Wilma draw it but that'd be too impersonal in my opinion; In my Urano days I always gave people handmade birthday cards. My mom would help me make them, and I'd even give handmade gifts to family. I started to think about what to draw. It had to be something I'm able to draw pretty easily; it should be simple but not too simple and it should look good in black and white. I instantly thought of a doodle I used to make all the time: a city skyline and the night sky with stars, clouds and the moon.

Two days later I went to visit the High Priest

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Two days later I went to visit the High Priest. I wished him happy birthday and waited until we were in the hidden room to give him the gifts, which must've seemed strange to the attendants since I don't usually bring things in there. 

"Thank You for the generous gifts" 

"Wait a second, I haven't given you the birthday card yet ! " I took out the card, held it carefully in both hands, and handed it to him- bowing slightly. His eyes widened in surprise. He gently took the card and studied it.

"What is this five pointed thing?" he asked, pointing to the pictures of stars.

"Those are stars"

"And these things below are buildings?"

"Yes, and those are clouds and that's the moon" I explained. I felt like a child explaining a completely incomprehensible scribble.

"How strange" mumbled the High Priest. There was a long silence as he opened the card, read the message inside and then closed it again. He tucked the card away, behind a pile of documents, and looked at me in a way that seemed to mean: let's never speak of this again. 

Even so, I was satisfied with his reception of my gifts and decided that I'd definitely do this again next year. Maybe he'd take this as a hint and buy me a present for my birthday? Actually I don't really know when Mains birthday is... It's obviously in autumn but when exactly? It'd probably be better to continue counting my Urano birthday as my true birthday, I'm just not sure precisely how that translates to this world's calendar.

 It's obviously in autumn but when exactly? It'd probably be better to continue counting my Urano birthday as my true birthday, I'm just not sure precisely how that translates to this world's calendar

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