Chit chat part 2

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I love making group chats so that's what we're doing. Sorry I haven't updated.... busy week plus writers block equals not a lot of updates.
Skylar created a chat
Skylar added fayregurl to the chat
Fayregurl changed Skylar to ilovemarshmallows
Ilovemarshmallows: why?
Fayregurl: I'm hungry
Ilovemarshmallows added Gunmar to the chat
Fayregurl: this about to get real ugly real quick
Ilovemarshmallows: here we go.....
Gunmar: mhmmmmm...... you Definetly never loved me....
Fayregurl: you know what... I don't have time for your crud....
Fayregurl banned gunmar from the chat
Ilovemarshmallows: brutal man.....
Fayregurl: yeah yeah now I'm borra'd
Ilovemarshmallows: LOL
Fayregurl: bad puns live forever
Fayregurl added terra to the chat
Terra: who is ilovemarshmallows?
Fayregurl: Skylar
Terra: okay!
Terra added Ora to the chat
Fayregurl: oh geez...
Ilovemarshmallows: the twins NEVER stop fighting
Fayregurl: I'm leaving before this gets ugly
Ilovemarshmallows: same
Fayregurl left the chat
Ilovemarshmallows left the chat
Ora: &@$: you!
Terra oh &@(! Off
3 hours later
Ora: that's it.... there are no more cuss words left for me to throw at you
Terra: same
Fayregurl joined the chat
Fayregurl : go to bed girls!
Ora: fineee
Terra: okay okay
Ora left the chat
Terra left the chat
Fayregurl: my struggles will never end
Fayregurl left the chat
Sorry bout the short chapter! For those who are confused about who my ocs are, I will VERY BASIC information in the next chapter for you to understand my ocs relationships. I probably will end up spoiling a tiny bit but nothing that will ruin my future story. Btw said story is taking a while to write. But whenever I get over writers block I will finally release it! That's all for now... abyss out!

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