chapter two.

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Tommy stood at the bottom of the ravine, still in a panicked mindset.

He had lost the book Wilbur carried with him, and he had no idea where Wilbur had gone, if he was dead or not...

Tommy decided that the only place he could go was to his good friend, Technoblade. So, the boy gathered resources and climbed out if the ravine, running into the spruce forest...

. . .

It took two hours to get to Technoblade's house, it being hidden away in the snowy hills.

Tommy ran up the steps and knocked rapidly on the door, simply praying that Techno was home, and not on a quest.

Techno was in his library, reading a book on potions when he heard the knock.

'Who could possibly be here....?' Techno thought to himself as he took off his glasses.

He placed the book back on the shelf in its rightful spot, and went downstairs to the front door.

"Theseus," Techno started, shocked.

"What are you doing here...?" He asked.

Tommy quickly rushed into the house, collapsing on the floor as soon as he passed the threshold.


Techno quickly kneeled beside the boy, "Theseus, what's wrong? What happened?"

Tommy covered his face, shaking- he couldn't utter a word; he didn't know what to say...

Techno hesitated before pulling the boy into a hug.

"It's alright Theseus, you're safe now," Techno said gently.

Tommy grabbed a fist full of Technoblade's cape and held on tightly.

Tommy wasn't one to cry- whimpering and cowering beside or behind people would be your best guess to tell that he was shaken, scared or in a panic.

It was only when the sun started to set that Tommy had collected himself together, and let his death grip on Technoblade go.

Techno looked down at the boy, concern clear on his face.

"Are you alright now?" He asked carefully.

Tommy nodded, only pulling his knees to his chest.

"What happened?"

"Schlatt won," Tommy muttered, flinching at his own words.

"Schlatt won over you and Wilbur? How did the dickbag manage that?"

"Big Q and....a-and George... They....they pulled their votes for Schlatt if he didn't win..."

"Of course they did... So, wait, where is Wilbur? Why isn't he with you?"

"Phil..... Phil killed him, Techno... They killed Wilbur and- and they took the book! They have the book!"

Techno went quiet, then stood up with Tommy. He took his cape off, throwing it around the boy's shoulders and buckling it.

Tommy looked at Techno in worry, Techno quickly turning and getting into a chest-


"I want you to stay here, Theseus," Techno started, pulling out an enchanted netherite axe followed by four potions.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"You don't need to work about it, Tommy... Zeus here-"

Techno's dog, Zeus, barked.

"-will keep you company, okay?"

"I-I want to go with you--"

"Tommy, we lost Wilbur," he started.

Tommy went quiet.

"I can't lose you, too."

The two hugged- Tommy wishing Techno luck on his journey, then Techno left.

. . .

Technoblade walked straight through the gates of L'manburg, unafraid of anything that was to come.

The Path of Primes was empty, as were the buildings around him, but Schlatt's voice echoed through the town.

Techno followed the echo to its source, and hid behind a building to listen in....

"Sick it up, Tubbo," Schlatt said, "Tommy was a traitor, to L'manburg. To the place you fought so hard for."

"No he wasn't! He was a good man!" Tubbo cried.

"It's alright, Tubbo..." Fundy said calmly, doing his best to reassure the grieving boy.

Techno popped an invisibility potion and a strength potion- he was going to kill Schlatt for what he did

He walked along the walls, making his way to Schlatt's podium and climbing the stairs...

<Ranboo whispered to you: don't do it, Techno.>

He looked around, messaging back:

<Technoblade whispered to Ranboo: Where are you?>

<Ranboo whispered to Technoblade: the tower, but you need to hurry... Your potion won't last forever...>

Techno stood still for a moment, debating his options: he could either kill Schlatt there and now for sending Phil to kill Wilbur...

Or he could retreat, and go to Ranboo.

He quickly chose, and ran to the tower.

Techno climbed the tower, and just as his potions wore off, he made it to the top.

. . .

Chapter Two, End.

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