Coming Back

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Few years Later

As time went on we stumble across on a certain Blonde shinobi who is now the age of 13.

"Woo! Can't believe after all these years I'm coming back to village again ya know!"
Naruto screamed excitedly.

"Ano sa! Ano Sa! Are we almost there yet o-chan?" Naruto loudly asked.

"Shut your ruckus kid I've told you the past few hours we're almost there." He grunted in annoyance.

The merchant man was lifting him a ride in his carriage to the leaf village.

"Hmph! Your no fun ya know!" Naruto said turning away from him disappointed

"But kid." The man said.

Naruto turned to look at him.

"Why are you excited about going back to your village?"

"Well you see! My Jiji is there who is the hokage and I can't wait to see him that's why!"

"No one else kid what about your parents?"

"Nope! Got no parents they died when I was young but it's alright because there with me right here!" Naruto said pointing a finger to his heart.

The man looked at him smiling this time and chuckled.
"Kid you maybe annoying but you sure do know how lighten someone's day up." He said complimenting him.

"Hehehehe." Naruto said giggling with a cheeky whisker smile.

They soon managed to reach the village and the merchant dropped him off and said their greetings and went off their own ways.

"Oh ho!" Naruto yelled in amazement.

Naruto was running through the village in amazement looking at everything that has changed for the past few years.

"Wow the village has changed a lot it used to be really small now it's little bigger 'ttebayo!" Naruto said running around recklessly not recognizing his surroundings.

He almost ran into a villager who cursed at him.

"Sorry ya know!" Naruto said still running to the mountainside of the hokage faces.

Naruto soon reached the cliff side of the faces and stopped on his dad's.

He dropped his bag and leaned back to feel the cool breeze and fresh air he always felt whenever he was here.

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled loudly missing this feeling.

"It feels good to be back!" Naruto said to himself loudly so his voice could be heard throughout the whole village.

Naruto then laughed to himself constantly until his laughs died down and suddenly his expression was switched with a sad expression.

"It feels good to be back huh?" Naruto said to himself contemplating about his feelings.

Flashback to 6/y.o when he is 7.

Naruto like any other day now living in his new home did his usual routine eating his newfound hobby of ramen at ichirakus for morning, evening, and night.

He also read and studied his dad's scroll of contents and the jutsu's that were there evening though he found studying and reading a pain for him but he gladly did it at the same time remembering of his promise to his dad.

He roamed around the village as well now more freely without the villagers in a mob or chasing him to do something harmful.

But Naruto was still cautious and wary being ready at the moment to get away.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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