Chapter One | In the beginning pt.1

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First Person Pov (Paloma)


I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by colorful vegetation. The night sky was full with stars. My head ached a pain like nothing else I had ever felt. I tried getting up, but my legs were jelly, and slightly numb. There was a huge gash on my outer thigh. Maybe that was why. I looked around my surroundings once again, and saw some sort of space ship. It looked big enough to only fit one person. It also had symbol on the front of it, I couldn't think of what it meant. It was a crescent moon with hands on either side of it. It seemed familiar, like it was on the tip of my tongue, but I just wasn't able to put my finger on it.

The door of ship was open, and was smoke was coming from inside. Using what strength I had, I crawled to the ship. I waved the smoke away from my face. Nothing was in there, not that I expected to find anything. I took one more glance before I noticed something. Something was dangling from a compartment of the ship. I reached my hand out to grab it. A sense of fondness washed over my body. It was a beautiful necklace. Maybe some sort of gemstone. I pulled it from the compartment, and put it around my neck.

I took a deep breath before attempting to get up again. Only this time was I successful. I began my journey through these woods. It was quiet as a mouse. All I could hear was the crickets chirping. That's when my thoughts started to emerge. 'Who am I', 'What is my name', 'Where did I come from'. They weren't alarming thoughts. Well, maybe they were. Matter of a fact, they're extremely alarming thoughts. Why aren't I alarmed then?

It felt like I had been walking a good distance before I came upon a castle. A grand castle to say the least. My favorite part was the shining stone on top of the tower. Surely someone lived in this castle. And hopefully they'll be kind enough to lend me a hand. I approached the castle doors, and was met with two guards. "State your name and business."  A male guard said. "I'm...I'm...I don't know who I am actually." The guards look at each other, then looked at me suspiciously. "You see, I came a ship I suppose. And I don't know where or what this place is." I explained. The guards didn't seem to like what I said, as they grabbed me by my shoulders, and dragged me inside the castle. "Hey! Hey! Let me go!" I twisted and squirmed, but most of my strength was gone. "You will answer to the king and queen." A female guard said.

Before I knew it, I was thrown before a man and woman. The woman was tall, and had wings of an angel. The man was shorter than her, and had a staff with his hair pulled back. I assume they were the king and queen. In the corner, I could see a girl with purple and pink hair peeking at me. I stared at her only for a second before the queen spoke to me. "Who are you?" She asked sternly. I thought I already told them. "I...don't know." I replied. The woman's wings flared out, "Don't play games with us!" "I'm not playing games! I truly don't know who I am. I don't even know where we are. Where are we?" I asked once more. Why is no one willing to answer my questions? "I know what will make you talk," He moved his hand in some sort of motion, and a glyph started to appear. "This is a truth spell. This will make you unable to resist telling the truth," He placed the spell in me. "It can be very painful if you don't tell the truth. So I suggest you do so." The woman stood up, and walked closer to me. "I'll ask you again, what is your name?" Before I could even answer her, I was hit with a intense wave of pain. I could hardly breath. I tried to catch my breath, but before I did, everything went black.

A/n: heyo. So, how ya been. It's been a while since I updated. I decided to try something different. So, I tried this. And it's pretty fun to write. There'll be more if this in the future. 💙

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