Chapter 1: Getting the Call

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Skarlette's P.O.V:

      Small hands shake my shoulders, interupting my sleep. "Go away," I mumble, refusing to get up. "Skar, get up now!" Auburn's voice blasts in my ear. I reply with a grunt. "I'm not kidding. You have to the count of three!" Ignoring her warning, I squeeze my eyes shut. "One." Not getting up. "Two." Nope. "I'm warning you.... three!" I let out a shriek as cold water makes contact with my skin. "Auburn!" I scream at the top of my lungs and snap my head in her direction. Auburn stands there with one hand twirling a piece of her auburn hair and the other on her hip while she smirks at me. "You're the only one who isn't up yet and we have a meeting with management in an hour." I holdd back the urge to strangle her and swing my legs over the side of my bed. "Did they tell us why they want us up so early?" She shakes her head. "Besides, it's not early, it's ten in in the morning!" Ten? She woke me up at TEN!? "That is quite early on my schedule!" I say, not even trying to hide my anger. Without saying another word, Auburn grabs the upper part of my arm and drags me out of bed.

       "How long until we're there?" I whine like a child. Claustrophobia is not a nice thing to have when you're in a car with four other girls. "Calm down, Skar! You're acting like a toddler," Maddy's voice is calm and kind, but I can hear a slight bit of annoyance in her voice. "She doesn't like tight spaces, you know that, M," Kat says right next to me. "We're almost there," Rich, our limo driver, tells us. I can't say that I like the Management building being so far away. Trying not to think of how little air was flowing into my lungs, I begin to twirl the tips of my dull brown hair and before I know it, Rich stopped the limo. "Out you go, ladies."  We all pile out of the car and into the parking lot where we stand before a large gray building.  "C'mon girls," Maddy tells us and we follow her. The building isn't anymore interesting on the inside than it is on the outside. A lady in a black cocktail dress leads us to an elevator and pushes a button before returning to her grey desk. After a few minutes of waiting, the elevator opens with a ding and a large room filled to the brim with chairs stands before us. I recognize a few faces, but everyone else is a stranger. "Ladies, good morning!" a lady says in a fake cheery voice. The lady has a fake smile plastered on her face to fit her voice. Maddy motions us to follow her and we do so. "Your guests will be here shortly." 

        Shortly was an over-statement. We all just sat there waiting for what seemed like hours, until a ding finally sounded from the elevator we had come out of. My mouth dropped in horror as I recognized the group of boys. One Direction!? 

Kats P*O*V*

I was looking over at  Skarlette whos mouth was open wide. "Close you mouth before a fly lands in there." I laugh lightly. "K-kat" She started stuttering on her words. I looked up to see what she was looking at. In front of me were Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Zayn Malik Liam Payne and Harry Styles. 5 of the most beautiful lads in the world. "H-hi" I stutter out blushing. Maddy rolling her eyes gentelly she drags our arms down the hall to mangament. But what was odd was that the lads followed us. Walking into managments office we all take a seat. "Hello, Skyline, One Direction" Modest Managment spoke.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" I yelled. "Kat calm down" my bandmates laughed at me. We just found out our first tour was with One Direction. My idols. My heros. My everything. I was a huge directioner as you could see.    Once again, the lady began to talk- now that we had all settled down. "As you can see ladies, this is One Direction." I held back a squeal as the worlds came out of her mouth. "We have arranged a plan for the both of you groups. You're going on tour together."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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