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"Let's start at the very beginning a very good place to start" -Do-re-mi, sound of music.

It all began on a normal day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and I was in jail...ok, school (same difference).
Anywho, everything was good...until it wasn't......then it was good again and's still pretty good.


"You're still coming over to mine right, to help with the history project?" I asked Annabelle

"Can't, I told you I've got rehearsal for the play". She shrugged apologetically.

I grunted, annoyed. As her best friend I completely supported her dream of becoming an actor. But she is wasting her time because how do I put this lightly...

"the drama team sucks, the acting sucks, the actors suck -no offence-"

"None taken" she interrupted with a chuckle.

I continued as though I hadn't heard her "and most of all the plays suck, there was that modern version of 'romeo and juillet', then there was that high school musical remake and put simply, you were definitely not all in it toge-"

My speech faltered as Belle started making weird hand signals.

"Is that so Ms.Richardson", an annoyingly fake voice called out from behind me. I turned around to face Ms-not Mrs for obvious reasons- Howard.

"Do you think you could have done a better job than me in that musical".

I looked at Belle trying to confirm if this was a rhetorical question. She shrugged as if to say *you're on your own in this one, I wasn't the one bad mouthing the entire drama club*

"Emm......yeah I kinda do", I shrugged unapologetically.

She raised a blonde eyebrow, evidently surprised by my answer she had obviously never heard the saying- honesty is the best policy.

"In that case" she said, "why don't you direct the next play".

"That's not what I mea-", I started.

"You think you can do a better job than me", she interrupted, "then prove it".

And with those three words, she turned on her heel, her hair whipping me sharply, the smell of her cheap perfume wafting through my nostrils. I closed my eyes trying to absorb the information, the sound of her heels echoed throughout the empty hallway reminding me that what had just had happened!

"So what are you going to do", Belle asked curiously, her voice interrupting my thoughts.

"Well...I'm going to direct the next play, with the help of my best-friend", I said giving her the bambi eyes I knew she could not resist.

"No, you're not", or maybe she could. "why should I help you, you got yourself into this mess, besides I'm busy enough as it is"

"pleeeasssse help me, I need my amazing, beautiful, helpful, gorgeous, intelligent, helpful, awesome, extraordinary, help-"

"Flattery will get you everywhere, keep going", Belle interrupted with a smile.

I got down on my knees and laughed at her horrified expression, "Annabelle Rosemary Clarice Richardson, will the play with me".

"I don't know what to say, this is just so unexpected, I mean I always knew that this day would come I just didn't think it would be so soon. I-"

"Get to the point please", I begged, my knees were starting to hurt the floor wasn't exactly comfortable.

"Impatient much", she grumbled under her breath, I pretended I hadn't heard her "Ok fine, since you insist-"she started off louder.

"I do", I interrupted.

Shaking her head she continued "I'll help you", she finished grudgingly.

Happy with that answer, I jumped to my feet and attacked- I mean hugged her, and thanked her for being the best friend in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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