Chapter 2: Round 1

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I checked my Astrowatch.
In white letters was displayed the list of tasks that I needed to complete.

 In white letters was displayed the list of tasks that I needed to complete

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Weapons: Download Data seemed a reasonable place to start. As the crew began to walk away and do their various tasks, I made my decision and began to walk to Weapons. Brown came in the same direction, he eyed me then asked,
"What task have you got Lime?"

"Data Download" I answered. Still feeling mildly paranoid after Director Edison's warning, I tersely added,

He nodded, evidently understanding my concerns,

I went over and plugged my Astrotablet into the Download pad. Whilst I waited, I leant against the wall and watched Brown do Asteroids. As I saw him blasting those space rocks, I realised that he must be safe. With this piece of knowledged, I relaxed.

"Good hit!" I nodded approvingly as he finished off the last of the asteroids.
"Thanks," he grinned.
I couldn't help but smile back.

I gave another glance at my Astrowatch.

Admin: Swipe Card
Admin: Upload Data (1/2)
Navigation: Chart Course
O2: Empty Chute (0/2)
Upper Engine: Align Engine Output (0/2)

I turned to Brown,
"It would seem that I have Trash as a task, would you mind clearing me?"

"Sure," he answered.

"Thanks, I just have to empty the O2 chute first."

"Oh," he answered, then looked at his watch, "well that works out nicely, I have to clear the filter anyway."

So we walked down into O2, and as he cleaned the filter I heaved down the chute lever.

Once he finished, I turned and walked out of O2, calling over my shoulder,
"Alright, let's go."

We silently walked down to Storage, and I pulled down the lever, feeling a thrill of satisfaction as I watched the trash float away into space.
I felt Brown relax, and I realised that he must have had the same doubts about me as I had felt about him. He sounded relieved as he said,
"Well, I guess that means you must be saf-"


The sound of a gunshot echoed from Electrical. Brown and I froze, looked at each other, then turned and ran towards the sound.
Being a naturally fast runner, I reached Electrical before Brown.

As I reached the door and looked inside, I faltered at the sight before me.
Yellow lay on the floor in an uneven pool of blood. Coming to my senses I rushed to his side and checked his vitals. I was relieved to feel a faint heartbeat.
I shook him slightly, gently whispering,

He gasped and I felt him shudder awake,

"Yes. It's me." I soothed him, my thoughts deviating from their usual order as they were thrust through turbulent thinking, "What happened Yellow?"

"David," he rasped out.
"What?" I asked, confused.
He spoke again, his words obviously strained,
"My name is David."

As I searched his face, I was vaguely aware of Brown running in behind me and calling for backup. But in my heart of hearts, I knew it was too late to save him.

Yellow gave a cry of pain. I rushed to calm him,
"Shh. It's okay Yel- I mean David. Just hold on."

In that moment I saw, not Yellow, a courageous crewmate, but a terrified teenage boy.
I forced my emotions back as I kept my grip on his arm,
"Who did this to you?"

"I. I-It w-was..." he gave a strangled gasp and shuddered, as the life drained out of him.
Yellow, I mean... David's head fell back, and his eyes gazed sightlessly at the ceiling.
I gently closed his eyes and felt my throat tighten with sorrow.

Behind me, Brown had stopped talking, and I felt the presence of the other crewmates as they rushed in behind us.

Through the ship echoed silent, strangled shock.
We couldn't believe that someone would turn on us and kill the very person with whom they had trained for many months.


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