I'll be going

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                           <5 days after>
Crimson's Pov:
            Today,would be the first time,that I will be away from my sons and it be difficult to leave especially when 4 of them cling on my leg like little Koala begging to take them with me.

          The day before,I've already informed them about my mission and would come back after 2 weeks,I thought they would readily agree but on the countrary to my expectation,they were crying and extremely hesitant maybe because they know how dangerous the tasked would be or maybe they just doesnt want me to be away with them.

         So in order to hold me back,they throw tantrums every seconds with different reasons to hold me back such as faking illness,sulking,falling down the stairs,punching each other resulting to a one big black eye...They even threatened me saying

"Mommy,If you leave we won't love you anymore"

Earning a one heck cold sweat and nervous from me  

Hayyy..Maybe I  spoiled them a little too much.....


(Untamed mouth:A Little?)

A little....Okay-okay a lott..

Crouching down, I patted each one of their cute little heads.

"My Little babies,If you stay well behaved and take care of each other,I will take you guys in a cruise ship adventure..Isnt that fun?" I tried bargaining my little Chipmunks besides we didn't have such chance before..

"Hmph..okay mommy" The four of them said in the same time hiding the fact,they really wanted to go on vacation..What a cutie pies

 I will really really miss my little chipmunks but still need to go,with that I entered the helicopter towards the long way of Deep Scavengers secret base.

              <Fast Forward> <12days>

"Arianna,Do you hear me?I repeat do you hear me?" Using a communication device to contact Arianna,one of my 8 devils.

"Yes,boss" A sweet sounding voice transmit the device.

"Good,Now that they selected you as one of their selling  products,(basically for prostitution and slavery thing) the mercenary would deliver you to the main base for the auction; I supposed you know what to do next?"

"Yes,boss" -*End*

Me and my team were now in the island near the main underground base of the rival mercenary. Arianna is the person who I tasked to sneak in the underground base, 6 days before the initial plan(before she ordered Gabriel to get ready),as she would pretend to be one of the orphanes wandering on the street only to be captured by the mercenary as a goods.With that she can stealthily enter the base  therefore implanting a time bomb wouldn't be impossible while I hacked their program system to steal every bit of information they have and tip it off to my hidden spy planted in the government to make sure this bastards would vanished forever.

                            <1 hours after>

Arianna has now entered the base in which I smirked..Quite easy for her to enter huh!

"Boss,Ive planted the time bomb" she directly reported.

"Clay!The bait has set off"I informed Clay to ready the plan

"Yes boss" He answered while dialing someone's contact number

I smirked finally after 2 weeks of waiting,I can now see little chipmunks

But just after Clay put down his phone,a red dot reflected near my heart-A sniper!

Seeing the dot in my body, my subordinates was directly alarmed and trying to block it by finding the concealed gun man

*bang*However the trigger was pulled before both I could dodge and find the sniper.

As involuntary loose my balance directly falling in grass with my eyes widen...This gun..

"Booossss" My subordinates shout in worry and range.

They ran towards me but was greeted by a loud release of bullets from different places
*Bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* a never ending spree of missiles where also release in our location completely indicating that someone had tip off our plan.

'Boss"They quickly ran towards my direction.Luckily none of them got severe injuries,with arms,legs intact and their head untop..

Only after 40 minutes did the firing ended,I seems to be in a bad condition if you glance at my stained blood clothes..

'Ahahahahhahaah..Who would have thought that the Deadly Saint is a woman?and now she has completely fallen from my trap without return" A feminine man entered the bombarded place with a clear smirk plastered on his face,Jonas X

"Oh hello there Ms Deadly Saint,I didnt know you were a great beauty,more than enough to cause chaos in the globe. Well as you see my dearest Arianne just describe her teacher as a detestable woman who's greedy enough not to hand over powerful techniques in hacking that can dominate and destroyed the world.Right my dear?"

"Yes,Honey,she is a woman who relied in her seduction to enchant men on working with her" The same sweet voice who was sent to the underground basement answer,Arianne.My disciple who I saved 5 years ago...

"You-!!!!"My other subordinates raised their voice in anger.Even if they know,it the plan,How can they accept that someone would betrayed them?

"Ahahahahaha...Look at you fools completely  deceive by this woman...What ?Did she taste that good?" Arianna said in a teasing but ridiculed manner as if she was talking to trash.

"Shout your mouth!" Clay threatened releasing a monstrous aura.

"You-" Arianna gritted her teeth in pure irritation. She must have been insulted on how Clay still be able to pressured her despite the situation..

"Now,now,now my dear,let as all calm down" Jonas once again voiced out as he steadily ordered his people to come out of their hidden location, encircling our team, unable to ran away.

The man then strode once again in my direction, visually look like I am about to die with the factor of the sudden betrayal. Extending his hand he grasp my chin.

"Blood Saint,one of the powerful figures I have known in my life has now fallen in my trap,what an achievement.Blood Saint,in your next life learn how to not trust anyone cause it may fail you  like this life" He smiled in pleasure of seeing me in so called bad condition.

He then pulling his gun pointing at my head.

"Ahahahahah..Any last words,Beautiful Lady?" He laughs like a mad man.

....................... Coles POV:

*Bang* Mother's picture..its broken..

Picking up mommy's portrait that I just want to wipe but accidentally slip it out.

I smiled unconciously,its Mommy capturing her rim red eyes from crying out of joy in receiving our personalize bracelet..

I hope Mommy's okay..she will come back soon...

To be continue....

Guyz sorry I publish it once again cause who would have thought that I accidentally published the unedited one eheheh..

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