Chapter 13- School

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∞ Abigail's POV ∞

I fluttered my eyes open and yawned. I checked my phone am realized Daisy and I have to go back to school today. I groaned and slowly stood up. I walked over to the bathroom, stripped my clothes off, and turned on the shower. I hopped in the shower and washed myself.

Once I finished, I picked out my outfit which is a white tank top, white and black stripped sweater, black skinny jeans ripped at the knees, and my white converse.

I walked into the bathroom and curled my hair into loose curls and added some hairspray. I then grabbed a black bow and clipped it on to the back part of my hair. I put on a few of my choker necklaces and then sat on my bed.

My phone beep signaling I got a message.

Bby 💕- Outside

I replied with an ok. (A/n Bby is Daisy btw.)

Walking down the stairs I grabbed two granola bars, my phone, and my backpack walking out the door.

I hopped into the passengers seat of Daisy's car and handed her a granola bar.

"Thanks." She smiled.

We arrived at school and walked in.

"Daisy? Abigail?" Someone called out. We turned to see Matt.

"Hi Matt. " I waved and walked towards him. We talked for a while then met up with our friends.

"So, did you hear about Alyssa?" my friend Stacy asked.

"No why what happened?"

"She went to a party and saw her boyfriend making out with Chelsea and-" Daisy cut her off

"Wait? Chelsea? Like my cousin Chelsea?"

Stacy nodded and continued "Well I guess Alyssa saw and beat Chelsea up so people are waiting for her to show up and see the damage." I burst out laughing "Sorry, it's kind of funny."

The bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. Daisy met me by my locker and we headed to the cafeteria. Once we got there we got pizza and sat down with Matt, Stacy, Clarissa, Jack, Johnson, and Nash.

"So... Abigail did Cameron tell you?" Nash asked

"Tell me what?" I asked curiously and smiled.

"Ummm, I'll let him tell you... I mean he said he would so it's his right to tell you." he said shaking his head.

"Just tell me" he shook his head "Please!!!!" I pouted

"Ok fine..." I braced myself for what he was about to say "Hannah's transferring to this school, so is Cam" he said.

"Oh... Whatever I guess" I said. It was pretty awkward.

We started a conversation and everyone joined in, we laughed and ate. Soon the bell rang

Finally out of school. Today wasn't that bad it was alright. I hop in Daisy's car and Everlasting Love by Fifth Harmony comes on.

You're my ever-everlasting love

My ever-everlasting love

And I'm never giving up

Til you're laying next to me

I'm looking for that ever-everlasting love

Forever ever kind of touch

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