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"daniel! have you seen andi?"
Diego asks

"n-no" he stuttered out

"why are you lying?" Diego asks

"I'm not ly-lying" he stutters

"yes you are, you only stutter when you are lying" he stated

"ok..." daniel said while grabbing Diego's wrist and drag him to the beach where jax and andi are

"hey what are you doing? what's andi doing with that guy? is he jax? that's jax!" he exclaimed

"yes and shhh, I tuck they have been dating"

"whatttt" he said stretching out the word what

"here get down" Daniel ordered while pushing him down on to a nearby bush

"so what do you wanna do to night?" jax asks in his suave voice

"maybe just watch a movie" she said with a smile

"okay" he said with a kiss in her forehead

"movie?! they are watching a movie? and oh my gosh the kiss?? he kissed andi"

"lucky you before I saw them kiss in the lips" he said trying not to hurl

"eww, okay we need to spy on them tonight okay"

spies of JandiWhere stories live. Discover now