I. Waking Up

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Wilbur feels around his bed for his phone to turn off his alarm. He finds it, immediately turning off the awful screeching noise yelling at him to get up.

"uuugggggghhhhhhhhh" Wilbur buries his face into his pillow wanting to go back to sleep. Reluctantly though he gets up knowing he has to leave soon to make it on time to college.

Slowly, Wilbur makes it over to his closet to pick out an outfit for the day. He pulls out a yellow turtleneck and dark gray pants. He slips on some converse and sets out a dark brownish blazer for a jacket.

After checking his outfit in the mirror he makes his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and mess with his hair. Currently, his hair was a curly mess from just waking up. Not wanting to do much to it, he ran his fingers through his hair and called it a day thinking he might just put a beanie on.

Back in his bedroom, Wilbur packs his laptop into his bag and grabs his headphones from his desk, plugging them into his phone. He puts his playlist on shuffle with Buttercup by Jack Stauber playing first. Bopping his head to the music he tucks his phone into his pocket. He then puts on his blazer and throws his backpack over his shoulders.

Wilbur walks into his kitchen grabbing a granola bar for a quick snack to have at college. He heads towards his door to leave grabbing a dark gray beanie from the foyer closet. He walks out his apartment door shutting it behind him. He takes a deep breath and starts his walk to college.

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