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"I should go, In all honesty that wasn't something you would've been finding out, but due to the circumstances you have, I apologize"

Heavy guilt weighed him down, if he were to leave he'd seem cold hearted and cruel. But if he were to stay, he didn't know.

What would happen if he stayed?

He couldn't just leave, not with him sobbing into his hoodie.

"Please stay, please...."

"I'll stay, for your sake"
He eased himself, leaning against the wall of the patio, "I'll stay as long as you want me to"

"Thank you, Im sorry I was so abrupt about it"

"No need for you to apologize"

"But there is a need"

Aoyama may have rushed his movements making the position awkward but to him that wasn't the most important thing at the moment.

His face was a bit to close for a Platonic relationship.

The panic in his dark friends eye's wasn't noticed, as his body involuntarily moved up so he was sitting up properly against the rough wall, his feathers fluffed and ruffled.

"I don't want to force you to stay, but please I would love it if you did, If you wish to leave then leave"

"I think I'll stay, It would feel wrong to leave"

"I worry for you, without a reason"

"Why? What made someone as- ugh! Someone as ethereal, special, bright, dazzling and crafted by the hands of aphrodite herself be drawn to me?" Tokoyami pleaded, he was hades, nyx, hermes.

The opposite.

He was the embodiment of darkness, something most people thought would be nice until everyone saw you as something your not.

He didn't like himself.

He lost control.

He killed him.

And he was told not to speak of it.

He was silenced.

No one cared to listen.

"For you are a gift, someone who deserves être aimé, you were to be cherished but your unfortunate situation has made it to where everyone tosses you aside, they either see you as a monster or as weak, but you are powerful, you can gain control, and I'll cherish you, happily"

Aoyama held him, hugging him close.

Letting him cry, the moon weeps for him. He's letting out the tears that kept him from loving again.

Smiling as he gently swayed, the stars and moon providing light that helped calm them, the beginning of night brought cold air.

"No matter what, I'll accept you, I'll listen, if they don't put in the effort are they worth it?"

Aoyama didn't mind the cold claws that threatened to break through the shirt and his skin. For Tokoyami was in greater pain.

"Everyone will learn someday, It may not be soon but eventually they'll understand"

The darkness and The light Where stories live. Discover now