It's Quiet Uptown

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 The mage healed Sero and I got scolded for not telling the king and Queen we'd be going out. I told them we went for a ride then decided to take a break and we made a small camp in a clearing.

I also told them the Prince fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him, I stayed up and kept watch the whole time so if anything or anyone was coming at us I'd know.

They let me go and I went to check on the others, Sero was awake and very glad to see me. Bakugou was hesitant to say anything but slowly warmed up to them.

"So kiri what are you doing here anyway?"

"I need help taking back the kingdom, I may be a strong knight but I can't put 20+ nomus all by myself. They said if they'd help me I'd have to work for them, I'm no longer Princess Ashidos Knight, I'm Bakugou's."

"Wait wait wait- hold on. Kiri you swore to always protect Ash and just like that you're working for someone else?!"

I was quiet, I didn't know how to reply. I wanted to be Ash's Knight. I've known her all my life. She's helped me so much. She chose me out of all the other trained knights because she believed I could be great.

But I'm not what she thought, I'm just a pathetic knight who can't protect anyone. Who am I, am I not meant for Knighthood?

I could feel warm tears flow down my face. I didn't do anything to stop them. I wasn't looking at anyone but they were all looking at me.

They were all shocked, None of them have ever seen me cry. Knights are supposed to be emotionless, there's no room for pathetic feelings in a battle.

Ever since I was young I've had to bury my emotions where my enemy couldn't read me.

I was so good at it people started calling me something other than Red Riot.

The Lonely Knight, The Emotionless Knight, The Reaper.

Before I had no wish to stop what they called me, I wore those names like the armor around my body. These words are a shield that a Knight uses to protect himself. Those words are my shield for me and if any attacker wishes to battle they'll know my name before death consumes them. 

I am known as The Reaper, the taker of life. Once you cross paths with me you'll regret it.

Reapers share no pity or empathy towards those he takes the life from. Just like me.

But now, I hope those names die with me. Because I wish once I'm gone people will see me as someone doing their job, not taking lives for the glory.

And still after years of trying to prove those names wrong they never leave me. I'm a knight afraid of his own name, of his own shadow, of himself.

A long sigh came out of my mouth and I looked at Kami and he had a small frown on his face. He felt bad for making me cry, I could tell he felt guilty and regret asking that question.

"Kiri I'm so sorry-"

"Stop Kaminari. I'm fine. Just stop.." I felt so bad I didn't want his pity, I didn't want anyone's pity. And them seeing me cry I can just feel all that shit talk flow through the air.

No one said anything, they all felt awkward. Looking at everything except each other.

"I have a plan to get back the princess. But I need you guys to help me."

All eyes fell on me.

"Uraraka, can you make a spell that can make someone look like another being?"

"Oh like a disguise?"

"Yes, I want to disguise myself like a nomu and sneak into where they're keeping the princess."

They all yelled no.

"Do you have a better idea?"

They all said no in a sheepish voice

"It's going to be fine, I have to do this...I'm not going to be charging into battle. I just want to go and see where they're keeping her and try to see where all the other prisoners are being held."

Sero stepped towards me.

"You don't have too, before they turned me into a nomu I saw where they were keeping Ash. You can let me turn into one and I can "capture" you to make it seem normal to anyone who isn't a nomu. " 

"You guys are dumbasses. You should make me be the bait, they'll probably want me more then him"

"The hell! No if you get captured it's going to be my fault. How do you think we're going to get you out when we told them we captured a prince? You'll be locked up with Mina in a place packed with nomus. I'm your Knight. Not some dumbass"

We started arguing, getting louder and louder as each of us spoke. This prince was so hot headed it was annoying, he wouldn't stop. It made me hella angry, if his parents found out I used him as bait I'd see a rope being tied around my neck in the future.

"You could get hurt."

"And you could die!"

"I'm a knight! My soul Purpose is to die"

"Protecting someone!"

"You're supposed to be the one I'm supposed to protect but how am I going to do that when you're locked up in chains?! How do we know that Ash isn't dead by now? They could kill you!"

"I don't give any fucks!"

"Well I do! Damn it!"

I slammed my hand against the table Sero was laying on a little while ago. Bakugou went quiet and he was shocked. I got so angry I hit something, everyone was really surprised I lost my patience with him. Kami looked frightened.

"You want to die. Be my guest, but if you do I'm not the one getting blamed."

I left the room and slammed the door, I was pissed as hell. No one was listening to me, What makes them think they're life is as worthless as mine to want to do such a thing.

I wanted to scream. I went out to the courtyard and got on a horse, I rode till the sun came up. I needed to clear my head and this was the only way I could.

The longer the horse ran the more I wanted to just escape this earth and go we're no one would find me. 

But In the end I'll always be back at the end of the day. No one thought I had it in me to fully run away, I didn't either.

Rain started to cover the sky with its grey clouds, It's pretty ironic. I sat down underneath a willow tree and just listened to the sound of rain, a few raindrops would hit me here and there. But even though I was wet it didn't bother me.

I was starting to become at ease, I felt less angry at the Prince and everything around me. The world can be a horrible place and bad things can come down on you like a wave of emotions but when I take the time to sit and listen that wave turns more into droplets of water.

My mind started to bring back memories when everything was perfect..the king was like a father to me and Ash was like my little sister. I remember going to festivals with the Fat gum and Ash, we'd dance to the music the band played and watch the Sunset later that evening.

My eyes started to become heavy, I knew I should be getting back to the Princes side but a little sleep couldn't hurt.

He was safe in his castle, and I was safe under the light of the clouded sky 

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