Alone at last i guess

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Since this whole thing started I've been alone, my mom never wanted a kid and my dad was never around. I'm 14 now it started when I was 7. Times been rough but it's ok now, my name is Rain lee Jackson, I'm an only child. I live in a tree house and I have a whole bunch of guns since I robed a military place, I am always by myself but I don't mind it that much. My five year old self probably thinks I'm a princess married to a gorgeous prince, I hate to say it but she was very wrong. Even though I'm saying this all in my head and no one can hear me I still want to say it. She walks down the ladder of the tree house and starts her run, she needs all the food she can get and even if she's lucky maybe some toilet paper. She starts going deeper into the city she was being very quiet until she saw a group of people. A woman with a sword, a boy with a hat, a man with a crossbow, and a man with a Revolver. I didn't move I didn't want them to see me but they started to turn and I ran and knocked over a trash can. I hear one of them say what was that then I seen then running at me. The guy shot at me but missed by an inch. It grazed my head,
Rain: owww oh my- what the fuck is your problem.
??:you are our problem.
Rain: I didn't even do anything to you-
??:whats your name?
Rain: Why i don't know you-
Rain: RAIN my name is Rain.
??: My name is Rick, this is daryl and michonne, and this is Carl.
Carl: Are you okay?
Rain: No fucking Rick shot at me.
Rick: Yeah about that sorry. I thought you were a sav- yea but how many walkers have you killed?
Rain: I don't know a lot.
Rick: how many people have you killed?
Rain: Nun
Rain: Because I don't need to.
Rick: okay get she can come with us.
Rain: no I'm good, I'm good I have a place where I only stay.
Rick: To bad.
Daryl grabs Rain and puts her in the trunk.
Rain:No Daryl.
She is in the trunk, and they keep hitting bumps so I kept hitting my head. "Damn it's hot in here" rain says as she takes off her jacket. The car comes to a stop and then the truck opens. Rick grabs her,
Rain: hey Careful now.
Rick: shut up
The hell who does he think he is huh.
Rick puts her in a room and ties her to a chair.
Rick: So where are you living?
Rain: Why would I tell you that I'm not stupid Rick.
Rick: I never said you were stupid I said where are you living at?
Rain: I'm living at a tree house if it's really any of your business.
Rick: How old are you?
Rain: 14
Rick: Are you with a larger group.
Rain: No I'm by myself.
Daryl: She's lying. How can a 14 year old girl survive by herself.
Rain: well when you have the whole military's guns, grenades, and armor. I think I'll be fine.
Rick: You have what?
Rain: I Raided the military a couple years ago and still have everything I got.
"We need that to fight the saviors" Rick whispers to Daryl.
Carl: So have you been by yourself this whole time?
Rain: Yea I don't find people often but when I do I run the other way. Like I tried to do on you guys but that didn't go as planed. Carl laughs and smiles and walks away.
Rick: So rain we need your stuff.
Rain: what no why?
Rick: Cause there is this guy that is taking everything we make and it's keeping us on our toes, but with your guns and armor we can fight him and win, And then you can have whatever you want right back I promise.
Rain: I don't even know you. How do I know you won't lie to me Rick.
Rick: Cause a mans word is a lot these days.
Rain: okay but under one circumstance, I want to stay here. In whatever this place is called.
Michonne: Rick we don't know who she is she can be dangerous and hurt Judith.
Rain: Judith? Who's Judith?
Carl: My sister.
Rain: oh cool.
Rick: it's fine Michonne.
Rick unties rain, "thank you" Rick says.
Rain: No problem this guy sound like a real jerk.
Carl: yeah he is.
Rick opens the door and rain follows him so does the others. Come on this way is the infirmary, rain walks in and gets patched up.
Daryl: She can stay with me I don't think Deanna will mind.
Rain: who's Deanna?
Rick: She is the leader of this place.
Rain: Oh I thought you were.
Rick: No but she will let you stay here.
Rain: ok thanks.
Daryl grabs rain and walks her to his house and up the stairs to a room.
"This is where you sleep" Daryl says.
"Ok cool. Hey uhh Daryl" rain says.
Daryl: yeah
Rain: why don't you talk a lot.
Daryl: cause I like to keep quiet you should try it.
Daryl walks away, he was right though I do talk a lot. I wake up and see Carl standing over my bed.
Carl: oh hey
Rain: hey what do you want?
Carl: oh nothing I just wanted you to meet some people.
Rain: okay cool-
Carl: oh and here is some fresh clothes.
Rain: thanks Carl.
Rain gets dressed and it's some jeans that fit her perfectly and I white t-shirt with a blue flannel. Carl is actually really cute but I don't like him of course. Rain walks out the room and sees Carl Standing there, "heya" rain says, "Hey" Carl says. They walk out the door to another house.
Rain: hey did you guys always live here?
Carl: no we just came here like a month ago.
Rain: oh cool (btw Carl still has his eye)
Carl: this is enid and this is Ron.
Rain: hey I'm rain.
Ron: Cool name
Rain: Thanks

A/n: Hey everybody so I switched it up a little bit basically Carl hasn't lost his eye yet and Deanna is still in charge for now. And while all this is happening negan is also here.

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